Python Dictionary Iteration: Advanced Tips & Tricks

Liam Pulsifer

Dictionaries are one of the most important and useful data structures in Python. They can help you solve a wide variety of programming problems. This course will take you on a deep dive into how to iterate through a dictionary in Python.

By the end of this course, you’ll know:

  • What dictionaries are, as well as some of their main features and implementation details
  • How to iterate through a dictionary in Python by using the basic tools the language offers
  • What kind of real-world tasks you can perform by iterating through a dictionary in Python
  • How to use some more advanced techniques and strategies to iterate through a dictionary in Python

For more information on dictionaries, you can check out the following resources:

Ready? Let’s go!

What’s Included:

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About Liam Pulsifer

Liam is a software engineer and avid Pythonista. When he's not writing code to automate all of his daily tasks, you can often find him running, playing basketball and tennis, reading, or eating good food.

» More about Liam

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Participant Comments

Avatar image for mikesult

mikesult on May 6, 2020

Thanks Liam for a great tutorial on working with dictionaries. I learned a lot of new things especially using ChainMap, the itertools and dict unpacking.

Avatar image for datateam

datateam on Jan. 13, 2020

I am a data engineer so work with dictionaries a fair bit. Although I was familiar with a lot of the concepts, I still picked up a number of new things, like ChainMap! And a brilliant use case for popitem! Loved the presenting skills and the material was very valuable. Will look to see if I can apply some of the learnings to my job and in fun challenges :) Great work Liam!

Avatar image for stephenm

stephenm on Dec. 30, 2019

Very clear presentation of dictionary features and techniques. Many thanks.

Avatar image for sion

sion on Dec. 29, 2019

Great presentation. Useful stuff that was new to me, also pointers to other areas to look into. I liked you delivering it ‘warts and all’. It is always helpful to see mistakes and their redemption. Many thanks.

Avatar image for muzixaba

muzixaba on Dec. 29, 2019

Fantastic tutorial. I learned a lot, especially on using itertools with dictionaries.

Avatar image for vedavyas

vedavyas on Dec. 26, 2019

This course helped me to understand the itertools and it how to use them. Last four sections helped me alot.

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