Exploring the Python math Module

Cesar Aguilar
Cesar Aguilar 16 Lessons 1h 20m intermediate python

In this course, you’ll learn all about Python’s math module. Mathematical calculations are an essential part of most Python development. Whether you’re working on a scientific project, a financial application, or any other type of programming endeavor, you just can’t escape the need for math.

For straightforward mathematical calculations in Python, you can use the built-in mathematical operators, such as addition (+), subtraction (-), division (/), and multiplication (*). But more advanced operations, such as exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric, or power functions, are not built in. Does that mean you need to implement all of these functions from scratch?

Fortunately, no. Python provides a module specifically designed for higher-level mathematical operations: the math module.

By the end of this course, you’ll learn:

  • What the Python math module is
  • How to use math module functions to solve real-life problems
  • What the constants of the math module are, including pi, tau, and Euler’s number
  • What the differences between built-in functions and math functions are
  • What the differences between math, cmath, and NumPy are

A background in mathematics will be helpful here, but don’t worry if math isn’t your strong suit. This course will explain the basics of everything you need to know.

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About Cesar Aguilar

Cesar is an avid Pythonista and records video tutorials for Real Python. He enjoys teaching programming to anyone who listens and seeing in others their programming "eureka" moment.

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