Start Managing Multiple Python Versions With pyenv

Johan Vergeer
Johan Vergeer 14 Lessons 40m advanced tools

Have you ever wanted to contribute to a project that supports multiple versions of Python but aren’t sure how you would easily test all the versions? Are you ever curious about the latest and greatest versions of Python? Maybe you’d like to try out these new features, but you don’t want to worry about messing up your development environment. Luckily, managing multiple versions of Python doesn’t have to be confusing if you use pyenv.

This course will provide you with a great overview of how to maximize your time spent working on projects and minimize the time spent in headaches trying to use the right version of Python.

In this course, you’ll learn how to:

  • Install multiple versions of Python
  • Install the latest development version of Python
  • Switch between the installed versions
  • Use virtual environments with pyenv
  • Activate different Python versions and virtual environments automatically

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About Johan Vergeer

Hallo, my name is Johan, and I am a software engineer working for the Pythoneers at Ordina in the Netherlands. I have a soft spot for awesome software design, clean code and sharing knowledge.

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Participant Comments

Avatar image for Lee Cullip

Lee Cullip on Jan. 18, 2022

Excellent overview of pyenv, this will make it much easier for me to manage versions now. Thanks!!

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