Collect Your First Star
00:00 Let’s put it into the website and see what happens.
Yes. So now you’ve got 1538
back and yep, this number you now take and go back to the website and put into the input field for the solution.
00:14 Exactly. And then I can click Submit here, and after thinking a little bit, it tells us that that is the right answer. And we have actually collected one gold star.
00:25 We’re one gold star closer to collecting enough of the star fruit.
00:29 And you can also see up here, it started counting my stars, and I may now continue to part two.
And if I scroll up here, we can still see the, this is the puzzle as we saw it. So there’s actually just more text available now under part two. And it also changed here now from asking me what’s the answer to just reminding me that my answer was 1538
00:56 This second part of our two-part combination, it’s a fun twist to the puzzle, where sometimes it’s just asking us to do more of the same. Sometimes it’s kind of twisting the puzzle around in some fun way.
01:09 And it’s a little bit like when you’re working with some other client or something like this and that they’re kind of changing the requirements in a project for you a little bit halfway through the project.
01:21 So it’s like a fun little extra challenge. That is true. So yeah, so it’s not that you have, like, two completely different puzzles each day, but the second part builds up on the first one.
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