Learn Python Programming,
By Example
Real Python teaches programming and web development through hands-on, interesting examples that are useful and fun!
Join the thousands of developers who have already benefited from these unique Python courses and download your copy today:
You’ll get three Python courses, with over 1,300 pages of content—packed with exercises, sample files, assignments, and bonus videos.

Real Python Course Bundle

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How Will You Benefit From This Python Course?
Whether you’re new to programming or a professional software developer looking to dive into a new language, this course will teach you all of the practical Python that you need to get started on projects on your own.
Real Python emphasizes real-world programming techniques, which are illustrated through interesting, useful examples. No matter what your ultimate goals may be, if you work with a computer at all, you will soon be finding endless ways to improve your life by automating tasks and solving problems through Python programs that you create.
Python is open-source freeware, meaning you can download it for free and use it for any purpose. It also has a great support community that has built a number of additional free tools. Need to work with PDF documents in Python? There’s a free package for that. Want to collect data from webpages? No need to start from scratch!
Python was built to be easier to use than other programming languages. It’s usually much easier to read Python code and MUCH faster to write code in Python than in other languages.
For instance, here’s some simple code written in C, another commonly used programming language:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
printf ("Hello, world\n");
All the program does is print “Hello, world” on the screen. That was a lot of work to print one phrase! Here’s the same code in Python:
print("Hello, world")
Simple, right? Easy, faster, more readable.
At the same time, Python has all the functionality of other languages and more. You might be surprised how many professional products are built on Python code: Gmail, Google Maps, YouTube, reddit, Spotify, turntable.fm, Yahoo! Groups, and the list goes on… And if it’s powerful enough for both NASA and the NSA, it’s good enough for us.
Why This Course?
There are tons of books and tutorials out there for learning Python already. However, most of the resources out there generally have two main problems:
- They aren’t practical.
- They aren’t interesting.
Most books are so preoccupied with covering every last possible variation of every command that it’s easy to get lost in the details. In the end, most of them end up looking more like the Python documentation pages. This is great as reference material, but it’s a horrible way to learn a programming language. Not only do you spend most of your time learning things you’ll never use, but it isn’t any fun!
This course is built on the 80/20 principle. We will cover the commands and techniques used in the vast majority of cases and focus on how to program real-world solutions to problems that ordinary people actually want to solve.
This way, I guarantee that you will:
- Learn useful techniques much faster
- Spend less time struggling with unimportant complications
- Find more practical uses for Python in your own life
- Have more fun in the process!
If you want to become a serious, professional Python programmer, this course won’t be enough by itself—but it will still be the best starting point. Once you’ve mastered the material in this course, you will have gained a strong enough foundation that venturing out into more advanced territory on your own will be a breeze.
So dive in! Learn to program in a widely used, modern language that can do more than you ever thought was possible.
What Python Developers Say:
“Get Real Python and get your hands dirty quickly so you spend more time making real applications.”
“If like me, you’re not a programmer you’ll find these courses to be like a mentor due to the clear, fluff-free explanations!”
“The creators of Real Python care that users are able to understand, learn, and practically apply the Python language.”
“Project based tutorials seem to click best for me. I love the real python course. They really help bring all the seemingly disparate pieces of full stack development together. The aha moments from these give me more confidence in the codebases I work in. And from that, I believe I could reach the next rung on the ladder at work as well as take my side project to a level where I’d be interested in sharing it with others.”
Course Summary
Real Python teaches Python and web development from the ground up, everything from the basic primitives to web scraping to data visualization and all things web development.
We start with the syntax—both Python 2.7 and 3.6—to provide you with a solid foundation to build your skills on.
Then, moving on to web development, you’ll learn database programming with SQL, web scraping, REST fundamentals, and much more before learning three powerful web frameworks: Flask, web2py, and Django.
Essentially, you will learn best practices while building an enterprise-grade web app utilizing a number of tools like Bootstrap, Git, Heroku, Angular, Vagrant, Travis CI, MongoDB, and PostgreSQL, to name a few.
Remember: We strive to teach these tools and concepts in a practical manner, where you solve interesting, real-world problems. Plus, since we start from the ground up, no prior programming experience is required.

Want more info? Jump to the course overviews.
About the Authors:

Fletcher Heisler
Fletcher is the CTO of Opportunity@Work in Washington, DC. He started teaching himself Python in college, and now web development is his full-time job!

Michael Herman
Michael is a freelance developer. Although he uses a number of tools, Python is by far his favorite. Besides Real Python, he is an active blogger and Python mentor.

Jeremy Johnson
Jeremy has run his own consulting business for the past seven years, specializing in web development and software automation. He also mentors in his free time.
The Course Packages
- $997
All three Real Python courses
1,300+ pages of content
Exercises, sample files, and assignments
9+ hours of videos
DRM-free PDF, EPUB, and MOBI formats of the courses
Future updates and releases
3 private mentoring sessions
- $97.99
All three Real Python courses
1,300+ pages of content
Exercises, sample files, and assignments
9+ hours of videos
DRM-free PDF, EPUB, and MOBI formats of the courses (Read or print them anywhere)
Future updates and releases
Want some more info about the courses first? No problem, we’ve got you covered:
Get a Free Preview:
- Read a sample chapter from the first course.
- Download a Python Cheat Sheet.
Enterprise Edition:
- Interested in an Enterprise edition for your entire team? Contact us for details.
Have questions? Check out the FAQ.
Student Testimonials:
“As a practice of what you taught I started building scripts for my team to help them in their everyday duties.”
“I just went through Course two, and I must say that I am hooked. I just did a PHP course, but Flask is way cooler!”
“Thanks for an amazing product! … Thanks for an amazing product! … Thanks for an amazing product!”
“I purchased your beautiful course, and I just want to thank you. It’s easy, fun, and very very interesting.”
“I am very much into purchasing any course by Real Python. I’ve never felt like a better programmer, ready to show my coding chops to the world.”
See All Student Testimonials »
1 Year “Try It Yourself” Guarantee—
Learn Python Or You Pay
The last thing we want is for you to pass on this because you’re not sure it’ll work for you. We know it will, so here’s our offer to you:
Put us to the test. Take the “Real Python Course Bundle” for a spin today.
Spend just a few days with the course and start building your Python skills.
Then take up to a full year to grow them.
And if for some reason you don’t agree that we’ve given you a faster, easier way to absorb the knowledge you need to rise head-and-shoulders above other developers, we will cheerfully refund your money, no questions and no hassles, any time within the next year.
Either way, all the risk is on us.

Real Python Course Bundle