Getting Started With Testing in Python

Certificate of Achievement

This is to certify that

Matteo Niccoli

has successfully completed

Test-Driven Development With pytest

a course of study offered by Real Python (, an online learning platform and expert community for Python software developers.

Completion Date: April 27, 2022

Verification ID: 96ecff0f-2d92-422f-b3d8-f6790a03f872

Certificate of Achievement

Getting Started With Testing in Python

This is to certify that

Matteo Niccoli

has successfully completed

Test-Driven Development With pytest

a course of study offered by Real Python (, an online learning platform and expert community for Python software developers.

Completion Date: April 27, 2022

Verification ID: 96ecff0f-2d92-422f-b3d8-f6790a03f872

Course Description

Skill level: intermediate

In this hands-on course, you’ll see how to create Python unit tests, execute them, and find the bugs before your users do. You’ll learn about the tools available to write and execute tests, check your application’s performance, and even look for security issues.

Certificate of Completion

This person’s account is verified and was created on Feb. 7, 2020. Real Python certifies their completion of the Test-Driven Development With pytest course on April 27, 2022.

About Real Python

Real Python is an online learning platform and expert community for Python software developers. It offers interactive online classes and in-depth tutorials created by a team of subject matter experts.