In this lesson you’ll see more OOP inheritance examples.
Inheritance Example
00:00 Welcome back to our series on object-oriented programming in Python. In the last video, we learned about the idea of inheritance, which allows us to define a child class that automatically inherits attributes and methods from its parent class.
00:15 Now, let’s see how inheritance works in action.
So, I’m here in Visual Studio Code, and the first thing we are going to do is define a new class called Person
. I’ll say here description = "general person"
, which will be our only class attribute.
Now, I’ll create our initializer method, and I’ll give it parameters of name
and age
. As usual, we’ll set the instance attributes equal to these parameters.
Now, I want to define a few behaviors that every person will have. I’ll create a new instance method called .speak()
with the only parameter being self
, and I’ll make this print out "My name is {} and I am {} years old"
. Then to fill in those gaps,
I’ll use the .format()
function and I’ll pass in
and self.age
as arguments. Next, I want our person to be able to eat whatever food we give them.
So I’ll say here def eat(self, food):
and then I’ll print out "{} eats {}"
and to fill in those blanks ({}
), we’ll pass in
as well as our food
Lastly, let’s give our person the ability to perform an action. So, I’ll create one last instance method called .action()
, and when that’s called, I’ll say "{} jumps"
and I’ll pass in
to fill in the blank.
All right. So now that we’ve got our general Person
class, let’s create a subclass called Baby
. To do this, I’ll type class Baby
, just like before, but then I’ll put in some parentheses (()
). Inside of these parentheses, we need to specify what the parent class of Baby
will be, so we’ll type in Person
. And now, technically, if I write pass
in the class body, then our Baby
will be usable but they’ll do the exact same thing as a Person
would, so we want to change that. First, I’ll redefine our .description
class attribute.
I’ll set it equal to something like "baby"
—that should work. This redefining here is called overriding because any Baby
object we create, will use this specific .description
instead of the .description
inherited automatically from the Person
class. To do this, I’ll type def speak()
with self
as the parameter, and then I’ll say print("ba ba ba ba ba")
, which is just some baby gibberish I came up with. This way, when we call the .speak()
method on a Baby
, it will say this gibberish instead of whatever the Parent
class would have said. Lastly, I want to give this Baby
some exclusive functionality.
Let’s give the baby the ability to nap whenever it wants, I’ll say def nap()
, with a parameter of self
, and then I’ll write print("{} takes a nap")
, and in place of the blank I’ll say
. Now, any specific Baby
object we create will have the ability to nap, but a more general Person
object will not.
All we have to do is instantiate these classes and put them to work. I’ll create a new Person
object called person
, and he will have a name
of "Steve"
and an age
of 20
Then, I want to call all of the instance methods of the person
, so I’ll type person.speak()
—and we’ll give him "pasta"
—and finally, person.action()
to see him jump.
Now, let’s create a Baby
object called baby
. So, I’ll type baby = Baby()
. And take a look at this: Visual Studio is telling
me that I need to supply a name
and an age
to the initializer for Baby
, but if you look, Baby
doesn’t actually have an initializer. That’s because it automatically inherited it from the Person
Remember, this Baby
is also considered a Person
and as such, it needs to fill out the instance attributes of the Person
as well.
So we’ll give this Baby
a name
of "Ian"
and an age
of 1
. Then, we’re going to call the same instance methods on our Baby
I’ll print out both the .description
of our person
and the .description
of our baby
. Before I run this, take a moment to pause the video and predict what the output will be.
04:51 So, I will right-click and choose Run Code and we get some console output.
We see: My name is Steve and I am 20 years old
, Steve eats pasta
, and Steve jumps
. Then, for our Baby
object, we see that the baby is speaking gibberish.
Finally, we can see that our Person
object has a class attribute of general person
, but our Baby
object has a class attribute of baby
05:19 This whole exercise shows us how we can define a child class, or a derived class, that automatically inherits everything from the parent class, or the base class.
We can override attributes and methods like .description
and .speak()
, and we can even extend our child class to add new functionality like we did with the .nap()
method. Just to make this even clearer, I’m going to move to a new line and type person
dot (.
If you remember, the dot (.
) is the access modifier, which allows us to access attributes and call methods on an object. Since this object is a Person
, notice how IntelliSense doesn’t see the .nap()
That’s because it’s specific to the child class and as such, only child objects have it. However, if I delete this and I change this to baby
and I hit dot (.
), you can see that we have access to everything defined in the Person
class, as well as the specific .nap()
But now, what if we’re told we need to make a change to the .action()
method? Maybe now we want both people to spin around instead of jumping.
Rather than having to modify code in several different classes, all we have to do now is change the word "jumps"
to the word "spins"
in our Person
class. Now, if we run this code, you’ll notice that both Steve and Ian are spinning instead of jumping, and we didn’t have to make a single modification to the Baby
This is one of the reasons why inheritance is so powerful. Remember how earlier I said that behind the scenes, Python sees every object as the type object
? Well, now that we have our classes coded, I can show you that that’s true. To prove that Baby
is a Person
, I’ll print out the result of this special function called isinstance()
This function will tell us if a specific object is of a specific type. This function takes two arguments, so I will pass in the baby
object for the first, and I want to check if the baby
object is an instance of Person
If I run the code here, you’ll see that on the right side we see True
, and that’s because a baby is a person: the baby
object is of type Baby
, but also of type Person
because it inherits everything from the Person
Now, let’s see if our baby
object is of type object
. I’ll change the word Person
here to lowercase object
, and if we run this code, we will see that our baby
is in fact an object
. That’s because Baby
is a Person
, and Person
inherits from object
. Therefore, Baby
inherits from object
, too.
Like I mentioned before, every class in Python inherits from object
, and we actually don’t even have to write that inside of the class declaration.
The reason for the object
class even existing is beyond the scope of this tutorial, but for now, just know that our Baby
objects are technically seen as a Baby
, a Person
, and an object
Jordan Rowland on March 23, 2019
Great videos. I found my understanding of OOP was really solidified when working with SQLAlchemy for a Flask project, and having Post and User classes.
Aditya Mahapatra on March 24, 2019
Will you be doing a follow-up series which delves into multiple inheritance, encapsulation and polymorphism? I hope you do! Good job on the intro to OOP :)
Sohil on March 26, 2019
Very good intro to OOP in python.
Vincenzo Fiorentini on March 27, 2019
Very good intro even for a complete beginner. Sweet and to the point !
DaveCarlson on March 27, 2019
This was well presented and helpfu. Thanks!
Edgar Isai on March 30, 2019
Really good introductions, i got all the concepts, its easy to follow. Thanks.
Kyle on May 6, 2019
Very good introduction!
terrymiddleton on May 20, 2019
excellent intro.
elmorem on July 29, 2019
I would love to see another series of videos that explains the next level of complexity. How about a series explaining some of the fundamental ‘dunder’ methods? Videos were clear and concise. very … pythonic.
marktripney on Aug. 14, 2019
Very good - thanks! I’ve been using classes without really having a good understanding of them. This course helped a great deal.
sspwin on Aug. 29, 2019
Good one…can you please cover session 2 on Abstraction, encapsulation and polymorphism and some advance topics on OOPs. Thank you.
Jean Ferreira on Sept. 5, 2019
Very good videos. I started learning the concepts of OOP programming at university, but I needed a more visual way to understand the concepts. Thanks!
malcolmgandrews on Oct. 1, 2019
Nice series of tutorials, great pace and clarity.
eduartef on Nov. 10, 2019
Thank you so much, really helpful for beginners.
fjavanderspek on Nov. 25, 2019
Great course, clear and concise, with poignant examples! 10/10 honestly, wouldn’t know what to improve
projnabrataseth07 on Nov. 26, 2019
Indeed a superb explanation .
Silver on Dec. 7, 2019
Awesome intro!
Dev on Dec. 7, 2019
Very easy to follow. Keep up the great work.
profbiyi on Dec. 10, 2019
Thanks for this. I so much love this.
km on Dec. 29, 2019
Very neat and simplified,thanks
Pucho on Jan. 6, 2020
5 stars
tsusadivyago on Jan. 6, 2020
finally I understood classes
mnemonic6502 on Jan. 18, 2020
Despite some nitpicking on mental example context switching and some assumptions made in explanations, this was a better tutorial than most for general consumption on youtube!
Yes, would definitely like to see expanded OOP tutorials moving forwards, in particular passing data dynamically into objects.
chuahengwee on Jan. 22, 2020
really good…tks for the great content
swapnilc17 on Feb. 9, 2020
Nice introduction to OOPS
Thomas on Feb. 13, 2020
Awesome, I like your enthusiasm
Lokman on Feb. 28, 2020
Hi @Austin Cepalia, since class Baby inherit class Person. Why init(self) doesn’t show result to Child class same as Parent class?
>>> I am Steve and 7 years old. # class Person
>>> I am Ian and 1 years old. # class Baby(Person)
Thanks for the video tutorial, I get already the concept and need to practice more about OOP.
horacionesman on March 15, 2020
I have been trying to understand OOP for a while and this is the first tutorial in which I’ve started feeling I know what is all about! Thanks!
markthiele on March 17, 2020
koellingh on March 28, 2020
I am trying to write a class that takes in an instance of another class in the constructor method. For context, here is how I am trying to do this:
class Family: def init(self, lastname, member_count, hair_color): self.lastname = lastname self.member_count = member_count self.hair_color = hair_color
class Person(Family): def init(self, Family(lastname, member_count, hair_color), name, gender, age): = name self.gender = gender self.age = age self.Family() = Family()
I am getting an invalid syntax error pointed towards my Family instance variable in by Person constructor. How can I effectively pass in instance of a class as a constructor variable in another class?
koellingh on March 28, 2020
Shoot, my code did not come in well. Here it is:
class Family:
def __init__(self, lastname, member_count, hair_color):
self.lastname = lastname
self.member_count = member_count
self.hair_color = hair_color
class Person(Family):
def __init__(self, Family(lastname, member_count, hair_color), name, gender, age):
self.Family() = Family() = name
self.gender = gender
self.age = age
eshivaprasad on April 24, 2020
Thanks, Excellent introduction.
Aparna on April 25, 2020
Excellent!! Crisp and simplistic way of explaining the most confusing terminologies
yanzaripov on April 26, 2020
excellent stuff, thank you sir!
zbigniewsztobryn on May 1, 2020
Its great how you picture parent and child class. Baby needs a nap(), brilliant! (: Well explained
Wiggers on May 1, 2020
Yes inhertance finally understood thank you
Timm Carson on May 13, 2020
This was very helpful, thanks
sroux53 on May 14, 2020
Robert T Paulsen on June 11, 2020
Thank You - this cleared up some basic understanding for me.
nihalsaRealPython on June 28, 2020
Excellent presentation with simple examples.
George Kiknadze on July 5, 2020
That was amazing introduction to OOP. Thanks 👍
Nemo the Coding Cat on July 7, 2020
Great video, it truly helps with my understanding! ^^ Thanks !
Brian Custer on July 13, 2020
Great intro. I need to start designing classes for the project I am working on so it was good to get a quick intro. I would like to see more advanced topics discussed at some point.
Arnaud Tsombeng on July 17, 2020
Awasome tutorial on OOP
illapavankumar on July 18, 2020
excellent.. can we get the slides of this topic(download)
Perryg on July 22, 2020
Thank you for this series. I helped job my memory and review the concepts.
Very well done. I wish I had this back when I was in school.
Jason on July 22, 2020
Great explanation! Helped me to grasp the idea of inheritance.
Leah T on July 22, 2020
This was just what I needed to solidify my understanding of OOP. As a new programmer it seemed so abstract and complicated, but here it was simple. Thanks!
alvesmig on July 22, 2020
Finally, I found a course which explained me OOP.
avalidzy on July 23, 2020
Excellent speaking voice and content presentation! Quite motivated now to move ahead with Object Oriented Programming. Apparently very versatile in building applications and website construction. :)
vikrant06 on Aug. 16, 2020
Julie Myers on Aug. 19, 2020
Well done! The best intro, by far, I have found on OOP. Even better than the one I got from Univ of Michigan’s online class. You are the hard to find very good programming teacher.
acquatellamax on Aug. 22, 2020
I finally see the light!
Austin Cepalia RP Team on Aug. 22, 2020
@acquatellamax That’s how I felt too :)
abhijitchouhary01 on Aug. 23, 2020
Good Job!!
Ghani on Oct. 7, 2020
Very well explained; thumbs up!
Manick on Nov. 13, 2020
Thanks Austin. Very well explained.
Jack on Dec. 9, 2020
Thanks, great videos. Very clear to help understand “DRY” and “overwriting” in inheritance. I am wondering whether Python have the concept of interface or abstract classes like Java? So that the it can just define the behaviour of a particular set of methods, that child class must implement. If we want to create new classes that have behaviours of multiple parent class or “interface”, what is the way of doing this.
sangeeth2kin on Jan. 22, 2021
Can you please explain why baby is not an instance of person in below example:
class person:
description = "general person"
def __init__(self, name, age): = name
self.age = age
def speak(self):
print ("My name is {} and Im {} years old".format(,self.age))
def eat(self,food):
print ("{} eats {}".format(,food))
def action(self):
print ("{} jumps".format(
class baby(person):
description = "Baby"
def speak(self):
print ("bla bla bla")
def nap(self):
print ("{} naps".format(
p = person("Saat",8)
b = baby("Sammu",1)
b.speak()"baby food")
print(isinstance(baby, person))
My name is Saat and Im 8 years old
Saat eats Pizza
Saat jumps
bla bla bla
Sammu eats baby food
Sammu jumps
Sammu naps

Bartosz Zaczyński RP Team on Jan. 22, 2021
@sangeeth2kin The word instance is synonymous with an object. The isinstance()
function can tell you whether a given object is an instance of a particular class:
>>> isinstance(b, person)
To check if two classes belong to the same hierarchy, you want to use the issubclass()
function instead:
>>> issubclass(baby, person)
To avoid this confusion, people generally follow a naming convention, which uses PascalCase for class names and snake_case for their instances or objects:
class Person:
person = Person()
sangeeth2kin on Jan. 25, 2021
Got it, thank you.
dbristow31 on Jan. 28, 2021
This was a fantastic intro to OOP! The step-by-step process and clear instruction helped me understand concepts I couldn’t before. One topic that was especially difficult for me was the use of the ‘self’ parameter and the ‘initializer.’ This video tutorial clarified those features of OOP and made it easy for me to use them. I’m excited to build on this knowledge with the other OOP video tutorials at RealPython!! Thanks, Austin!
tom77-ai on Feb. 11, 2021
Wow, great intro to OOP. Finally got it.
stHaggie on April 10, 2021
This was really nice Tutorial. My understanding of OOP is getting better now.
Walisson on April 15, 2021
Hi all! I’m new here and for sure me a member was the best thing that I did to keep myself on Python Learn track! All videos, articles and stuffs on this website are amazing! Topics are well explained, lean samples and directly to the point. Nice tutorial!
Terry on April 22, 2021
Great tutorial, I watched it several times and kept coming back for clarity. Within days I wrote two classes/modules and had them running. The concepts, especially the architecture framework, are well explained. This helped me finally get into OOP, Thanks
ljob on May 21, 2021
Great, clear explanation. Overriding is mentioned, is this different that overloading? Does Python support method overloading?

Bartosz Zaczyński RP Team on May 21, 2021
@ljob Overloading is about having a couple of functions with the same name but different signatures. There is no concept of function overloading in Python, particularly method overloading. You cannot have several functions defined with the same name and different implementations in one lexical scope.
It’s not a syntax error, though. The last function definition will simply overwrite all previous ones with the same name because Python treats namespaces like dictionaries. And, a dictionary cannot have duplicate keys.
Instead of creating many different functions, you might take advantage of the default parameter values to simulate function overloading. Alternatively, you can take a look at the @singledispatch decorator in the standard library or a more versatile third-party @multipledispatch one.
ljob on May 21, 2021
Thank you for the clarification!
gilpinbmchs on May 26, 2021
What if you were going to create several persons? would it be best to do like this:
person1 = Person("steve", 20)
person2 = Person("charles", 18)
or like this:
steve = Person("steve", 20)
charles = Person("charles", 18)

Bartosz Zaczyński RP Team on May 27, 2021
@gilpinbmchs Descriptive variable names such as steve
and charles
are preferable. If you wanted to spawn arbitrary number of Person
instances, then you could use a list or a list comprehension:
# list (could be another sequence type like a tuple)
users = [
Person("steve", 20),
Person("charles", 18)
# list comprehension
users = [Person("some_name", i) for i in range(2)]
gilpinbmchs on May 27, 2021
ok thanks. now I’m going to explore list comprehension, thanks!
ebelax on June 18, 2021
nice topic
ikanyeng89 on July 20, 2021
Good stuff - I am new to Python but I have good experience in C++ - for me it was all about how to create Python class and method in Python and it was well said - it was easy learning for me because of the experience I have in C++ programming language.
Jonathan Chatfield on Oct. 16, 2021
Probably one of the best introductions to classes I have seen.
Yogi on Oct. 17, 2021
Thank you so much for this great tutorial session. Very well explained for novices like me to get a grasp of the concepts and the usage as well in the initial stages.
anaghost on Nov. 4, 2021
This was great but left me hungry for the next level(s)! Could you please add lessons on the other important topics in OOP?

Bartosz Zaczyński RP Team on Nov. 4, 2021
@anaghost Sure! What what topics would you be most interested in?
anaghost on Nov. 4, 2021
Thank you, Bartosz! A few people before me mentioned multiple inheritance, encapsulation and polymorphism. For me, personally, it would be very beneficial to see a more complex real world example of OOP use. Basically, how an SDE thinks when using OOP for a real world application, not just a Dog class. That would be great!
vishweshvar on Dec. 4, 2021
This course gave a gentle introduction to OOP, loved the way it was clear, concise and straightforward not beating around the bush, highly recommended for beginners. Thanks Austin, you’re awesome.
Chevabecks on Jan. 6, 2022
Thanks for this very clear explanation!
Joeey G on Aug. 22, 2022
Very good introduction! Thank you!
madpenguin07 on Aug. 26, 2022
Great intro/refresher to OOP. Thanks!
Konstantinos on Sept. 13, 2022
Though an introductory course, it could still demostrate some classes implementation from real world situations, instead of Dog and Person classes.
odaihamza on Dec. 1, 2022
Extensive exercise on every topic can help retaining everything in mind.
Sneha Nath on Sept. 20, 2023
Thank you for this excellent course!! clear and thorough understanding..
Andres Galarza on March 19, 2024
This was a short but clear explanation of how OOP works. Thanks, Austin, for sharing all this knowledge. This introduction was brief, and there is much more to cover, but now we have a solid foundation to move forward.
mkbendig on Sept. 22, 2024
Very good into to OOP in Python. Is it planned to extend the course with dataclasses?
martandgupta93 on Nov. 8, 2024
Suggestion : The quiz should come at the very last of the course but its coming before the last topic i.e. Inheritance Example and Course conclusion

Martin Breuss RP Team on Nov. 12, 2024
@martandgupta93 thanks for flagging it, the course had previously combined the last content lesson with the summary, so the quiz placement didn’t make sense in the second-to-last spot. We now split the final lesson into two, so now the quiz comes after you’ve gone through all the content :)
Stephen Cole on Feb. 3, 2025
Can you prevent a derived class from inheriting an attribute?
For example, babies can’t jump.
Then, when the baby becomes a toddler, would we create a new object and copy the data into it or is there a way to update the baby object and promote it (for lack of a better word) to the parent class?
Become a Member to join the conversation.
Rob on March 22, 2019
Thanks. Well paced and a nicely gentle introduction to OOP. At least it is gentle if you already have the basic concepts and are treating this as a refresher :-)