Access the Private Real Python
Slack Community

Join the Real Python Slack chat and meet the Real Python Team and other Pythonistas looking to improve their skills.
Discuss your coding and career questions, celebrate your progress, vote on upcoming tutorial topics, or just hang out with us at this virtual water cooler.
Learn more about the Real Python Community in our Welcome Video and Community Guide & Tips.
What Members Are Saying About the Group

The Real Python Member’s Slack is an English-speaking Python community with members located all over the world.
Everyone is welcome, no matter how much experience you have. If you’re friendly and like Python we’d love to have you onboard:

We’re also hosting regular Office Hours live, online Q&A sessions with the Real Python Team where you’ll meet fellow Pythonistas to chat about your learning progress, ask questions, and discuss Python tips & tricks via screen sharing.
How to Access the Real Python Community Slack
To access the members-only Slack Community you need to have an active membership subscription.
Click the button below to activate your membership:
Community Guidelines and Code of Conduct
Real Python is driven by our community. As such, it is vitally important that we foster an open, friendly, and welcoming environment.
Real Python members:
- Are considerate: We’re considerate of our peers.
- Are respectful: We’re respectful of others and their positions, skills, commitments, and efforts.
- Show empathy towards others: We’re attentive in our communications and tactful when approaching differing views.
- Gracefully accept constructive criticism: When we disagree, we are courteous in raising our issues.
- Use welcoming and inclusive language: We’re accepting of all who wish to take part in our activities, fostering an environment where anyone can participate and everyone can make a difference.
- Have Fun: If we aren’t having fun and enjoying each other’s company, then we’re doing it wrong!
As members of not only Real Python, but the broader Python Community, we’re committed to upholding the standards and guidelines of the Python Software Foundation’s Code of Conduct.
Check out our Community Slack Guide with tips for asking questions effectively, communicating clearly, and formatting your code examples to be more readable.