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How Python Manages Memory (Summary)

Memory management is an integral part of working with computers. Python handles nearly all of it behind the scenes, for better or for worse. Python abstracts away a lot of the gritty details of working with computers. This gives you the power to work on a higher level to develop your code without the headache of worrying about how and where all those bytes are getting stored.

In this course, you learned:

  • What memory management is and why it’s important
  • How the default Python implementation, CPython, is written in the C programming language
  • How the data structures and algorithms work together in CPython’s memory management to handle your data

If you’re interested in more low-level tuturials, check out these courses and articles:


Course Slides (.pdf)

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Avatar image for Varad Meru

Varad Meru on Dec. 4, 2020

Thanks for this wonderful intro Austin. I had couple of questions - 1. Any place in GC and the workings are covered? 2. You mention that freepools and usedpools are stored as linked-lists. Where are the fullpools tracked?

Avatar image for thecocoa

thecocoa on Dec. 7, 2020

Thank you for this explanation.

Avatar image for Bo Stevens

Bo Stevens on Jan. 4, 2021

It was nice to learn about the garbage collector, and how Python is able to free up memory.

Avatar image for shangcode

shangcode on Dec. 27, 2022

Got it, what a nice course.

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