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Using Python's pathlib Module (Summary)

Since Python 3.4, pathlib has been available in the standard library. With pathlib, file paths can be represented by proper Path objects instead of plain strings as before. These objects make code dealing with file paths:

  • Easier to read, especially because / is used to join paths together
  • More powerful, with most necessary methods and properties available directly on the object
  • More consistent across operating systems, as peculiarities of the different systems are hidden by the Path object

In this video course, you’ve seen how to create Path objects, read and write files, manipulate paths and the underlying file system, as well as some examples of how to iterate over many file paths.

To learn more about pathlib, check out:

For more information on related topics, explore:


Course Slides (.pdf)

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Avatar image for east4ming

east4ming on Dec. 28, 2022

Need sample codes in this lesson. Thanks!

Avatar image for Darren Jones

Darren Jones RP Team on Jan. 4, 2023

@east4ming - Generally we don’t provide code for REPL sessions (as it’s not something you’d generally run in the same way you might a python script), but it’s something I’ll discuss further with the team. Thanks for reaching out.

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