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Pick Apart Your User's Input (Solution)

00:00 Here we are. I created a new file called first_letter.py and just took a quick note of the task, which is to return the uppercased first letter entered by the user.

00:11 That means I’m going to have to collect the user input again. I will again assign that to a variable called user_input

00:18 and then just call the input() function with a prompt, "Tell me your password: ".

00:28 Add a space to make it display nicer here.

00:33 That should collect the user input, so whatever the input is going to be saved to the variable user_input. And then I need to get the first letter of that.

00:42 I’ll be explicit and assign the first letter to a new variable that I’ll call here first_letter, and then I will use user_input, which will hold the string that the user input and then use indexing to get the first character by using square brackets and putting in 0.

01:03 So I want the character at position zero. That’ll be the first letter. And then the task is to display that back with a short message. So again, I will use the print()

01:17 function and the string in here that says "The first letter you entered was", put a colon and a space, and then we’ll concatenate this with my variable, the first_letter variable, but it will also uppercase it, .upper().

01:39 So I could also uppercase it here. I could say user_input[0].upper(). That would work as well, but that’s a bit less readable, especially because for now I just called the variable first_letter.

01:53 I could change it to calling it first_letter_uppercase and then add the .upper() right after getting the first letter using the index.

02:06 But anyway, so there are always different types of solutions. If you solved it in a different way, that’s fine as well. I’m going to stick with this, where I uppercase the first letter before printing it out.

02:19 Okay, let’s see whether it works. I’m going to press F5 to run the script. Tell me your password: and I will say No, and The first letter you entered was: N.

02:30 Let’s try it again with a different input. Tell me your password: PaSSworD, and it tells me The first letter you entered was: P.

02:42 Let’s see whether the uppercasing works. I actually haven’t tested it because both of the inputs already had an uppercase. I will run it yet another time.

02:51 Tell me your password: and I’ll start with lowercase pwd, and The first letter you entered was: P, so it uppercased it correctly.

03:00 Great. So this is a working solution, and I’m satisfied with it. Did you get something else? If you did, then post it down in the comments.

Avatar image for JVargas

JVargas on Dec. 29, 2023

Hi Martin and RP Team,

I coded this way:

passwd = input("Hi there, tell me your password: ")
print(f"Your first letter you entered: {passwd[0].capitalize()}")

Cheers and happy coding.

Avatar image for Martin Breuss

Martin Breuss RP Team on Jan. 3, 2024

@JulianV nice solution, and a good use of an f-string :)

Avatar image for tracyelliott79

tracyelliott79 on Feb. 18, 2024

Hi Martin :)

I coded it this way:

user_input = input(“Tell me your password: “)

print(“The first letter you entered was: ” + user_input[0].upper())

Avatar image for Martin Breuss

Martin Breuss RP Team on Feb. 19, 2024

Hi @tracyelliott79, and nice solution :D

Avatar image for rombaut1977

rombaut1977 on Jan. 19, 2025

My solution was:

user_input = input("Tell me your password: ")

Is it really necesaary to use another variable?

Avatar image for Bartosz Zaczyński

Bartosz Zaczyński RP Team on Jan. 20, 2025

@rombaut1977 Your solution looks perfectly fine, and you’re right that you don’t really need a variable here. However, declaring a variable can sometimes help improve the readability of your code, allowing you to give the variable a meaningful name and break a long line of code.

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