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Using Pydantic to Simplify Python Data Validation (Summary)

Pydantic is an easy-to-use, fast, and widely-trusted data validation library in Python. You’ve gotten a broad overview of Pydantic, and now you have the knowledge and resources necessary to start using Pydantic in your own projects.

In this video course, you’ve learned:

  • What Pydantic is and why it’s been so widely adopted
  • How to install Pydantic
  • How to parse, validate, and serialize data schemas with BaseModel and validators
  • How to write custom validation logic for functions using @validate_call
  • How to parse and validate environment variables with pydantic-settings

Pydantic makes your code more robust and trustworthy, and it partially bridges the gap between Python’s ease of use and the built-in data validation of statically typed languages. For just about any data parsing, validation, and serialization use case you might have, Pydantic has an elegant solution.


Course Slides (.pdf)

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