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Python Basics Exercises: Reading and Writing Files (Summary)

Well done! By completing this video course, you’ve reinforced your ability to effectively read and write plain text files using the Path.open() method and the built-in open() function.

You’ve also practiced handling CSV files, the commonly used format for comma-separated values, using Python’s csv module.

In this video course, you’ve practiced:

  • Differentiating between text and binary files
  • Exploring character encodings and line endings
  • Working seamlessly with file objects in Python
  • Successfully reading and writing character data in various file modes
  • Using important methods such as open(), Path.open(), and the with statement
  • Leveraging the power of the csv module to manipulate CSV data

To continue your learning journey, check out these video courses:

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Now that you’ve flexed your coding muscles, you can move on to other topics in the Python Basics learning path.


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