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Create a Python Wordle Clone With Rich (Summary)

Congratulations! You’ve built a feature-rich Wordle clone that you can play with yourself and share with all your friends—at least the ones who know how to run Python programs in the terminal.

Along the way, you’ve gotten familiar with Rich and learned how to use the library to add color and style to your terminal applications.

In this video course, you’ve learned to:

  • Have a good strategy for iteratively creating a command-line application
  • Use Rich’s console to create an attractive user interface in the terminal
  • Read and validate user input
  • Work with data represented in strings, lists, and dictionaries
  • Work with data stored in text files

Next, have some fun challenging yourself to a few rounds of your Wordle clone! You may also look for ways to continue developing the game. Please share your experiences in the discussion section below.

If you’d like to build more command-line apps, then take these tutorials for a spin:

If you’d like to hear from the developer of Rich, then Real Python’s got you covered:


Sample Code (.zip)

9.2 KB

Course Slides (.pdf)

12.4 MB

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