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HTTP Requests With Python's urllib.request (Summary)

You are now fully equipped to use urllib.request for making HTTP requests. With this built-in module, you can keep your projects free from dependencies. Plus, by using a lower-level module like urllib.request, you’ve gained a comprehensive understanding of how HTTP works.

In this video course, you’ve:

  • Learned the process of making basic HTTP requests with urllib.request
  • Explored the intricacies of an HTTP message and its representation in urllib.request
  • Gotten the skills to handle character encodings in HTTP messages
  • Explored some common obstacles that arise when using urllib.request and discovered strategies to resolve them

Now, you’re ready to make basic HTTP requests using urllib.request, and you have the necessary tools to dive deeper into the intricacies of low-level HTTP functionality using the standard library. You now have the flexibility to choose between requests and urllib.request based on your preferences and requirements. So go ahead and have a great time exploring the vast landscape of the Web!

To move beyond the standard library, check out:


Sample Code (.zip)

278 bytes

Course Slides (.pdf)

898.7 KB

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