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Simulated Pointers With Mutable Types

In this lesson, you’ll simulate pointer behavior in Python using a mutable object type. This is not actual pointer behavior. These operations are more memory expensive than they would be in C.

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carl on July 15, 2020

I think that it would have been very instructive, as your second example, to point out that objects of classes that you create can also be mutable. A simple type like this mutable Cartesian Point class illustrates the same concept I think you were making with your second example, but is less complicated

class Point(object):

    def __init__(self, x, y):
        self._x = x
        self._y = y

    def set_x(self, x):
        self._x = x

    def set_y(self, y):
        self._y = y

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"({self._x},{self._y})"

p = Point(0, 0)
print(id(p), p)
print(id(p), p)
print(id(p), p)

If we run this we see that the name p refers to the same object the entire time, but because we exposed those set methods, we can mutate its state. The names self._x or self._y will point to different (immutable) values after one of the set methods is used, effectively changing the mutable state of p.

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carl on July 15, 2020

Taking that one step further, if we now define a function to reset both coordinates of a Point, we’ll see that it’s still mutating p. This is pass-by-assignment in action.

def reset(q):

p = Point(1, 1)
print(id(p), p)
print(id(p), p)

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