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Creating Web Maps From Your Data With Python Folium (Overview)

If you’re working with geospatial data in Python, then you might want to quickly visualize that data on a map. Python’s Folium library gives you access to the mapping strengths of the Leaflet JavaScript library through a Python API. It allows you to create interactive geographic visualizations that you can share as a website.

You’ll build a web map that displays the ecological footprint per capita of many countries and is based on a similar map on Wikipedia. Along the way, you’ll learn the basics of using Folium for data visualization.

In this video course, you’ll:

  • Create an interactive map using Folium and save it as an HTML file
  • Choose from different web map tiles
  • Anchor your map to a specific geolocation
  • Bind data to a GeoJSON layer to create a choropleth map
  • Style the choropleth map

You’ll use Folium inside of a Jupyter notebook, so the Folium library will render your maps directly in the Jupyter notebook. This gives you a good opportunity to visually explore a geographical dataset or include a map in your data science report.


Sample Code (.zip)

16.6 MB

Course Slides (.pdf)

4.9 MB

00:00 Welcome to Creating Web Maps From Your Data With Python Folium. I’m Kimberly with Real Python, and I’ll be your instructor for this video course. I can’t wait to show you what Folium can do and how you can easily build an interactive customized map with just a few lines of code.

00:18 When working with geospatial data in Python, you may find yourself analyzing row after row of summary statistics, but instead of combing through tabulated data, wouldn’t it be great to visualize your data on a map to spot geographic trends?

00:34 Or perhaps you want to make an interactive map and save it as an HTML to render as a website for users to explore on their own. You can use Folium for these exact purposes, and after following along with this course, you’ll create these interactive maps with a relatively small amount of Python code. So what can you expect from this course?

00:57 After this brief introduction, you’ll learn more about the Folium library, including what it is and its core capabilities. Then we’ll jump right into the Python code, where you’ll create your first Folium map.

01:11 You’ll learn how to update the starting location and zoom level of your map and how to add boundaries for geographic entities. Next, you’ll get a chance to create and style a choropleth map, which represents data through variations in color. Finally, you’ll put it all together by building an interactive Folium map for data about the ecological footprint of world countries.

01:35 And we’ll close the course by reviewing Folium and comparing it to other Python libraries for mapmaking. So let’s get started learning about Python Folium.

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