What Is a String? (Solution)
00:00 Here I am in the interactive IDLE shell. I’ll go ahead and take quick notes of the different tasks that I’ve got to do here. There were four tasks. I always like to start with just taking notes on what I’m supposed to do, which helps me get organized and remember what the task is actually.
00:18 So the first one was to print a string with double quotes. So I want double quotes in the string. That’s the first task. Then the second one was to have an apostrophe in the string.
00:33 The third one was to have a multiline string that also gets printed on multiple lines. And the fourth one was to write a string in multiline,
00:47 but print it in a single line.
00:51 So I just took some short notes to remind myself of the tasks and I’m going to get going. The first one is to print double quotes in the string, and I can do that using single quotation marks to delimit the string.
And then I can use double quotation marks inside. I open up a string by putting a single quotation mark. Then I can write something in here. So I will say 'There
are "double quotes"
in this string'
. And I surrounded the words double quotes with actual double quotes. And it should print fine, because I’m not mixing the quotation marks.
01:29 I’m using single quotation marks to delimit the string, and then the double quotation marks inside. They’re not considered as string delimiters, but they’re just the characters double quotation marks.
So now I press Enter, and my print()
call executes, and I get as an output the string. Great. Second one, an apostrophe in the string.
Do another print()
call. And now I will use double quotation marks to delimit the string. So I’m opening it up with a double quotation mark. Then I can write something. I will say, "This string's
got an apostrophe"
, and I use an apostrophe after the word string.
02:11 So this string has got an apostrophe. This is not an English lesson, and I wouldn’t be the best person to teach this anyway. But I do have a single quotation mark or an apostrophe in the string, and I can now press Enter, and this will execute and work fine.
Exercise three was to write a multiline string that also prints on multiple lines. So this I can do by using triple quotation marks. So for example, triple double quotation marks ("""
) or triple single quotation marks ('''
) works the same.
And now I can say """This string was written
on multiple lines
. Well, not yet. Let me press Enter, and then I can continue with the string and say and it displays across multiple lines
And I need to close the string. So I’ll close it again with triple double quotation marks. One, two, three. And then also close the parentheses from the print()
03:15 And now I’m ready to press Enter. And this executes. And as you can see, the newline character, so the Enter that I pressed in here, this newline character, is also part of the string.
03:24 So the output includes it, and that’s why it displays on two lines.
03:30 And then finally, the last task, write a multiline string that prints on a single line. And you can do that with escaping the newline character. Now I’m just going to use one double quotation mark.
And I’ll say, "This one-line string was written
and then I will use the backslash character (\
), which escapes. It’s a special character that escapes the following character, which in this case is going to be a newline because after putting the backslash character, I’ll press Enter and continue typing in the next line.
But Python considers this to still be part of the previous line. So continue writing my string saying, using multiple lines"
and then close the string. With a string like this one that’s delimited with only one quotation mark, spreading a string over multiple lines like I do here only works when you use the backslash character.
Otherwise, Python would raise a SyntaxError
04:30 And now press Enter. And as you can see, it displays on just a single line because I escaped the newline character that I used in here. All right, so that was a quick recap on the different ways you can mix and match quotation marks when writing your string literals.

Martin Breuss RP Team on Dec. 5, 2024
@maagmell you can download all the slides from the Supporting Material drop-down under the lesson title. It contains the questions and solutions, but you can look at the question slides separately, like we do in the lessons here.
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maagmell on Dec. 5, 2024
You guys should provide question saperately in a sheet.