Mastering Python bitwise operators gives you the ultimate freedom to manipulate binary data in your projects. You now know their syntax and different flavors as well as the data types that support them. You can also customize their behavior for your own needs.
You also learned how computers use the binary system to represent different kinds of digital information. You saw several popular ways to interpret bits and how to mitigate the lack of unsigned data types in Python as well as Python’s unique way of storing integer numbers in memory.
In this course, you learned how to:
- Read binary numbers
- Perform bitwise math and read truth tables
- Represent fixed and arbitrary precision itegers in Python
- Perform bitwise operations in Python
- Use bitmasks to pack information on a single byte
- Differentiate Big-Endian and Little-Endian byte orders
- Overload Python bitwise operators in custom data types
For images used in this video course, credit goes to @FX13, @mondspeer, @Juhele, @GDJ, @BigRedSmile, @vectorace, @speciwoman, @Merlin2525, and @vermeil at Openclipart, as well as C2RMF at Wikimedia Commons and fgrieu at StackExchange.
Congratulations, you made it to the end of the course! What’s your #1 takeaway or favorite thing you learned? How are you going to put your newfound skills to use? Leave a comment in the discussion section and let us know.