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Write and Test a Python Function: Interview Practice (Overview)

Whether you’re looking to ace your coding interview or simply to level up your development skills, solving coding challenges can help you grow as a programmer. In this Real Python Code Conversation, Philipp challenges Martin to write a function that doubles each character in a string. Through their conversation, you’ll learn how to tackle a coding challenge and stand out from the pack in your job search.

In this video course, you’ll learn how to:

  • Use functions to write reusable, maintainable code
  • Communicate your thoughts in a coding interview
  • Use if __name__ == "__main__" to build multipurpose code
  • Write tests and use test-driven development

At the end of the course, you’ll get to hear how Martin did with the coding challenge, and you’ll leave with resources for further exploration.


Sample Code (.zip)

821 bytes

Course Slides (.pdf)

13.1 MB

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