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Command Line Interfaces in Python (Summary)

In this course, you’ve navigated many different aspects of Python command line arguments. You should feel prepared to apply the following skills to your code:

  • The conventions and pseudo-standards of Python command line arguments
  • The origins of sys.argv in Python
  • The usage of sys.argv to provide flexibility in running your Python programs
  • The Python standard libraries like argparse or getopt that abstract command line processing
  • The powerful Python packages like click and python_toolkit to further improve the usability of your programs

To gain further insights about Python command line arguments and their many facets, you may want to check out the following resources:


Sample Code (.zip)

19.4 KB

Course Slides (.pdf)

432.0 KB
Avatar image for Ghani

Ghani on Nov. 1, 2020

Nice course; thanks a lot!

Avatar image for thomabr4

thomabr4 on June 17, 2021

Exactly what I was looking for. Awesome content!

Avatar image for Phil M

Phil M on Aug. 30, 2021

Excellent! Well done course!! You provided a lot of extra resources that I am excited to explore - beside using some of your examples in some of my projects - cool stuff. Thanks :)

Avatar image for aniketbarphe

aniketbarphe on Nov. 7, 2021

Thank You!

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