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Conclusion and How to Practice Your Commenting Skills

This lesson concludes the course on writing comments in Python. In this video, you’ll see several tips on how to practice commenting and also review everything you have learned up to this point.

Avatar image for Prerit Anwekar

Prerit Anwekar on March 15, 2019

These are very basic. :(

Avatar image for wjhopson

wjhopson on March 15, 2019

Thanks, I found the subtleties of comments like what not to include in a comment very helpful.

Avatar image for Edgar Isai

Edgar Isai on March 15, 2019

Thank you, these are very helpful tips.

Avatar image for SamR

SamR on March 15, 2019

Very useful, thanks!

Avatar image for Blaise Pabon

Blaise Pabon on March 19, 2019

I listened to this while I did the dishes and it was useful. I would like to learn how to do fancy google style docstrings some day. maybe that is what @prerit has in mind.

Avatar image for Chaitanya

Chaitanya on March 21, 2019

A nice way of explaining about comments, especially the purposes listed down is awesome :)

Avatar image for Jackie Wilson

Jackie Wilson RP Team on March 28, 2019

Thanks for the feedback everybody!

Avatar image for Jaya Z

Jaya Z on March 29, 2019

This was wonderful Jackie!!

Avatar image for TheCthulhuKid

TheCthulhuKid on April 5, 2019

A video I wish I had seen when I started =) Cheers!

Avatar image for victorariasvanegas

victorariasvanegas on June 13, 2019

I would like to know more about how to build docstrings and #TODO, very good video congratulations.

Avatar image for Abby Jones

Abby Jones on June 27, 2019

Basic? Yes. Still important to know? Yes.

Avatar image for rklyba

rklyba on July 8, 2019

Thank you for a good course.

Avatar image for Tonya Sims

Tonya Sims on Aug. 6, 2019

Awesome video! I use comments quite often, possibly overuse them. Watching this helped me learn when and where to use then.

Avatar image for Pygator

Pygator on Dec. 21, 2019

I really like the suggestion of using multiline # commments for algorithm development.

Avatar image for Lokman

Lokman on March 14, 2020

Thanks for this comment course!
Avatar image for amicablezebra

amicablezebra on April 15, 2020

This was way too basic. A bit of a disappointment to be honest.

Avatar image for Alan ODannel

Alan ODannel on July 15, 2020

Good refresher. Nice common sense practices. Enjoyed the Best practices and tips.

Avatar image for a5zima

a5zima on July 20, 2020

Further information about docstrings you may need: PEP257 www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0257/

Avatar image for aniketbarphe

aniketbarphe on Nov. 7, 2021

Thank You!

Avatar image for Abraham

Abraham on Nov. 21, 2021

Great tips on outlining and when to use multi-string comments! Thanks!

Avatar image for Evgeniy Leybovich

Evgeniy Leybovich on Oct. 12, 2022

This is too basic course. No best practices on using tags # TODO:, how to describe Arguments and Returns, etc.

Avatar image for Martin Breuss

Martin Breuss RP Team on Oct. 13, 2022

Hi all, this course is meant as a beginner course (tagged as “basics”). If you want to dive deeper into commenting and especially documenting your code, then you can check out these resources tagged as “intermediate”:

Hope this helps!

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