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You can access this book in different file formats that are optimized to give you a great reading experience, no matter which device you are using. The options are as follows:

DRM-free PDF optimized for reading on tablets and computers:


CPython Internals (PDF)

11.0 MB

ePub version for e-reader devices and phones/tablets:


CPython Internals (ePub)

11.0 MB

Mobipocket (.mobi) version for reading on Kindle devices:




  • Typo & grammar fixes
  • Improvements to screenshots and illustrations
  • Formatting improvements
  • Chapter & code example improvements based on reader feedback
  • Layout cleanups
  • This release officially ends the Early Access phase. A big Thank You to all Early Access readers and those who have sent in their feedback!


  • Update to CPython 3.9 official release
  • Typo & grammar fixes (proofreading pass)
  • Lots of content improvements across the board
  • Layout cleanups


  • Updated to CPython 3.9.0rc1
  • Made various clarifications & improvements based on reader feedback


  • Update for CLion 2020.2
  • Updated “C for Pythonistas” chapter
  • Typo and formatting fixes


  • Updated to CPython 3.9.0b5 and the new PEG parser
  • Grammar & typo fixes


  • Fix missing step in tokens setup
  • Fix code example (variable assignment) in compiler chapter
  • Fix DUP_TOP typo in execution loop chapter
  • Fix diagram typos
  • Fix incorrect port range
  • Add extra step/explanations to compiler chapter
  • Typo fixes

Thanks for all the feedback so far. It is incredibly helpful. We’re keeping track of who reports what and will include your names with the next Thank You page refresh :)


  • Reduce Kindle (.mobi) file size
  • Typo fixes
  • Clarify example needs -X oldparser (Thanks to Ben Campbell)
  • Add missing ./configure build step (Thanks to Jürgen Gmach and Vishnu Sreekumar)


  • Typography cleanups, updated resources page URL


  • Update to CPython 3.9.0b1


  • Fixed ePub code blocks on Apple Books (iPad and macOS 10.15)
Avatar image for Guillermo Alfonso Morales

Guillermo Alfonso Morales on June 1, 2020

Awesome, I hope to learn a lot with this.

Avatar image for newdragone

newdragone on June 2, 2020

I’m excited!

Avatar image for Gregory Reshetniak

Gregory Reshetniak on June 2, 2020

Looks like something I wanted to read for a while now.

Avatar image for andrewmcox

andrewmcox on June 2, 2020

Can’t wait to dig in. Thanks!

Avatar image for dcmdcm

dcmdcm on June 2, 2020

Will you be sending push notifications of changes?

Avatar image for Dan Bader

Dan Bader RP Team on June 2, 2020

We’ll announce major updates via email (+ on-site notifications) and here on this page.

Avatar image for Bill Glennon

Bill Glennon on June 3, 2020

Looking forward to reading it and of course learning!

Avatar image for Dan Bader

Dan Bader RP Team on June 3, 2020

Hey everyone, quick heads up regarding the Kindle version of the book:

We’re working on slimming down the generated .mobi file so that it fits into the Send-to-Kindle limit. If you’re getting an error message saying “Send-to-Kindle does not support documents over 50 MB”, that’s why.

Avatar image for Dan Bader

Dan Bader RP Team on June 4, 2020

Anthony just provided me with a new build of the book that reduces the Kindle (.mobi) file size so it fits under the Send-to-Kindle limit. This new build also fixes some typos and other errata. To see the changelog & download the updated files please use the links at the top of this page. Thanks!

Avatar image for loumarco

loumarco on June 4, 2020

Thanks a bunch.... There be learnin’ in my short-term future!

Avatar image for Allenite

Allenite on June 4, 2020

Awesome. Happy to support RP and Anthony!

Avatar image for Dan Bader

Dan Bader RP Team on June 9, 2020

We just published a new build (see changelog above.) You can download the latest version of the book files using the links near the top of the page.

Avatar image for Anthony Shaw

Anthony Shaw RP Team on June 9, 2020

Hey Everyone! For those who are up to the chapter on the Grammar- Python 3.9 has got a new Parser (called the PEG) and a new grammar file. Its so new that I stuck with the existing one as up until a few weeks ago it wasn’t finished. 3.9.0 beta 2 should be out this week and I’m going to update the chapter for the new Grammar syntax so you won’t need to use -X oldparser when going through the Almost-Equal operator.

Avatar image for Peter Cavallaro

Peter Cavallaro on June 11, 2020

Sadly I am like a kid with a new toy unwrapping (downloading) this book.

Avatar image for sinclairjang

sinclairjang on July 6, 2020

I am going deep guys.

Avatar image for Dan Bader

Dan Bader RP Team on July 27, 2020

Update Released: Anthony updated the book to CPython 3.9.0b5 and the new PEG parser! Download the latest version of the book files using the links near the top of the page.

Avatar image for Dan Bader

Dan Bader RP Team on Aug. 6, 2020

Update Released: Download the latest version of the book files using the links near the top of the page. Here’s the changelog:

  • Update for CLion 2020.2
  • Updated “C for Pythonistas” chapter
  • Typo and formatting fixes
Avatar image for Dan Bader

Dan Bader RP Team on Aug. 17, 2020

Update Released: Download the latest version of the book files using the links near the top of the page. Here’s the changelog:

  • Updated to CPython 3.9.0rc1
  • Made various clarifications & improvements based on reader feedback
Avatar image for Dan Bader

Dan Bader RP Team on Oct. 30, 2020

Update Released: Download the latest version of the book files using the links near the top of the page. Here’s the changelog:

  • Update to CPython 3.9 official release
  • Layout cleanups
  • Typo & grammar fixes (proofreading pass)
  • Lots of other improvements across the board
Avatar image for advogadopaulomaneco

advogadopaulomaneco on Dec. 6, 2020

Awesome book, Anthony. This is an instant favourite.

I’m having trouble executing the python compiled executable file. The program fails to execute and gives this error message: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory. What did I do wrong?

I believe I folowed the exact steps in the chapter. I’ve tried executing, with the exact same error message, in both mac os big sur and ubuntu running on wsl2. Please help.

Avatar image for Dan Bader

Dan Bader RP Team on Jan. 25, 2021

I’ve got some great news to share: We’re officially ending the Early Access phase for the book today :) This update is huge, with a full proofreading pass, minor and major layout improvements to pretty much every chapter. So go ahead and download your updated book files on this page under the Description tab.

Happy Pythoning!

Avatar image for Kound

Kound on Jan. 29, 2021


stupid question: After buying the book, will I receive a hard copy or is the book only an ebook?



Avatar image for Dan Bader

Dan Bader RP Team on Jan. 30, 2021

We are in the process of getting a paperback version ready for publishing. When the paperback version is released it will be a separate purchase from Amazon or your favorite local book store. The release date we’re aiming for with the paperback is later this year. Pricing for the hard copy will depend on our printing costs and we will try to have some kind of discount available for customers who purchased the digital version. So stay tuned for further announcements on the RP email newsletter!

Avatar image for Francisco Rivas

Francisco Rivas on Oct. 11, 2023

Hello I am wondering if there will be updates to the book with the recent releases of CPython. Thank you very much in advance! I love the book!

Avatar image for Joakker

Joakker on June 19, 2024

Second this. I would love an updated version of the book for the recent releases, especially with the upcoming JIT compiler

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