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Finding a Theme on the Web

00:00 The selection of themes that you can find by default in VS Code is not that big. So, maybe there is not a theme in there that you really like. In that case, you can surf the internet and find a theme there.

00:14 I will show you two places where you usually can find good themes, but sometimes on X or on blogs, you can find people promoting their theme that they’re currently using.

00:25 So it’s a good thing to look out for any recommendations. But there are two sites that I want to show you where you can see an overview of themes and select your own.

00:35 One of these two sites is the VS Code Marketplace. That’s where you can find all extensions in VS Code. And when you scroll down, then you can filter the extensions by category.

00:48 And there is a category called Themes, which is exactly what you’re looking for. And once you click on Themes, you can see all the themes that VS Code offers as extensions.

01:00 And you can sort them, for example, by installs. That way you can see which themes are popular and then click on one and usually you can see a preview there.

01:12 My personal issue with this overview is that the first impression of the themes is just the names on meta information and the icon the theme has. But I kind of like to get a first impression of the theme when I’m on the hunt for a theme, and that’s where another website comes in handy.

01:30 This website is called “vscodethemes.com”, so that’s a third-party website, not from VS Code itself, but a website that is dedicated to show themes for VS Code.

01:43 And there you can see an overview of the themes in basically the similar sorting as you just saw in the marketplace but instead of icons, you can see a theme preview.

01:55 This website also has some other cool features. One of them is that you can switch between Dark and Light themes. So depending on your own personal preference, you can see the themes in the brightness of your liking.

02:12 As you can see, some of the themes provide dark and light themes that you can spot on these little icons down below. The white pill means there is a light theme in there and the dark pill is there is a dark pill in there.

02:26 That a theme can basically be a container of multiple themes is something that we’ll come back to once we’re picking our theme. First, let’s explore the website a little bit more.

02:37 On the upper right, you can also sort by installs just like on the marketplace for VS Code, but right next to that dropdown menu, there is a cool feature where you can actually show the code preview in the programming language of your choice.

02:53 For example, our beloved Python.

02:57 And once you click Python, then you also see the code preview in Python code. That’s especially useful, not only because it kind of gives you a more related view of the code and you’re actually understanding what’s going on there, but also sometimes color themes behave differently for different programming languages so it’s a good idea to actually select Python and then scroll through the website until you find the theme that you like.

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