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Getting Some Inspiration

00:00 Choosing a theme is a very personal choice. Here are five of my favorite themes. Maybe there is one in there that you like or you actually have another theme that you really love.

00:11 If so, please leave a link in the comments below because I’m very curious what themes you are using.

00:17 The first theme is the ‘Cobalt2’ theme by Wes Bos. It has a nice dark blue with the yellow, which coincidentally matches the Real Python CI very closely.

00:30 The next one is called Bearded Theme. It’s kind of like a wordplay between “bear” and “beard”, so maybe it’s also Bear-ded theme, I don’t know, but the theme is really nice and what I like about this website, it’s actually like a website for a real software product so that you can really see the work that went in there.

00:51 And there is also like a big headline there that it exists in 32 variations. I mentioned this in a lesson before that actually the theme is often a container for themes that follow the same style but differentiate in subtle details.

01:08 And here you have 32 of them, and I really like them because they are all very nicely thought out. There are kind of often twists to other famous themes like the Monokai one.

01:23 Then there is JellyFish, and JellyFish is a more like purplish-dark theme with very poppy colors in your syntax highlighting. If this is something that you like when you have sometimes a little bit of a problem of reading your text, if it’s too pastel, then JellyFish might be something for you because there are really bright colors on a nice dimmed dark background.

01:49 Another more poppy theme is Dobri Next. There you have a very dark background in the normal variations and very poppy, colorful colors. I don’t know if that’s a term, but you know what I mean.

02:03 Again, you have a bunch of variations where there are subtle differences, so you can really find one that you like.

02:11 And the last theme I want to show is Tinacious Design theme. That one really has a well-thought-through color rhythm that they actually advertise at first before they’re actually showing the theme.

02:25 And once you scroll down and see the themes in action, you can really see that they are very proud of the colors that they are using and I think they did a great job for their syntax highlighting.

02:36 Also, remember on this vscodesthemes.com website where you chose your programming language in order to view a preview for the theme, they do a similar thing here because Markdown might look different than Ruby and so on.

02:51 So if you scroll, you can see a few examples how the theme performs with different languages, but to really see how the theme performs with your code is actually installing in your editor.

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