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Installing Python on Ubuntu Linux 16.04

Learn how to install Python 3.7 in Ubuntu 16.04 using the “deadsnakes PPA”, a repository that contains modern Python versions for older Ubuntu installations.

Avatar image for amirrastkhadiv

amirrastkhadiv on Dec. 8, 2020

Hi, I had Python 3.7.6 in my macOS, I updated that from www.python.org/downloads/release/python-391/ . When I check the version python –version in terminal the system shows Python 3.7.6 ,however, when I type python3 –version it shows: Python 3.9.1. Why? I wonder to know why it kept the old version? How can I uninstall the old version of Python3 from my macOs please?

Avatar image for Darren Jones

Darren Jones RP Team on Dec. 15, 2020

Which version of macOS are you running?

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