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Ways to Start Interacting With Python (Summary)

Knowing about the different ways to interact with Python allows you to choose the most appropriate tool for your specific task. Whether you’re testing snippets of code or developing complex applications, knowing how to effectively use these tools can enhance your productivity and coding experience.

In this video course, you’ve learned how to:

  • Use Python interactively by typing code directly into the interpreter
  • Execute code contained in a script file from the command line
  • Work within a Python Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
  • Assess additional options, such as Thonny and Python’s IDLE

Now that you know about these options and have experience working with them, you can confidently choose the best way to interact with Python for any given project. That way, you’ll ensure that you can efficiently develop your Python code as you continue to learn and practice.


Course Slides (.pdf)

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00:00 In this video course, you’ve explored various ways to interact with Python, ranging from using the interactive REPL environment to running scripts and using an IDE like IDLE.

00:12 If you want to explore some of the topics of this video course further, then I have three resources for you. There is a tutorial called Python REPL, a Guide to Interactive Programming, which is a wonderful tutorial to explore the capabilities of the REPL even more, and you will realize that the REPL is quite powerful.

00:31 Then there’s the tutorial, The Best Python IDEs and Code Editors, and this tutorial gives you a great overview about the code editors and IDEs that are out there.

00:41 You’ve seen a few of them in this video course, but the tutorial covers even more, so that’s a great resource if you want to get a little bit of inspiration. And since you were running Python scripts in this video course, you might be curious to explore this topic a little bit more in the tutorial How to Run Your Python Scripts and Code, where you will gain even more knowledge about the capabilities and the different ways of how to run Python scripts.

01:09 As you’ve seen in this video course, there are multiple ways of interacting with Python, and each of them can be useful depending on the situation that you’re in, but there is only one way of wrapping up a course properly, and that’s with a big thank you for watching.

01:24 My name is Philipp and I’m excited to see you around at realpython.com.

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