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Grow Your Python Portfolio With 13 Intermediate Project Ideas (Summary)

In this course, you’ve seen multiple Python project ideas you may find interesting. The project ideas cover a range of platforms. You saw project ideas for the Web, GUI, and Command-line platforms. You can continue to practice your skills building the same project for different platforms. Using the URL Shortener as an example, you may choose to build one for the Web, GUI, or the Command-line.

In this course, you’ve learned

  • The importance of creating projects
  • Techniques for developing for different platforms
  • How working on projects builds your confidence and skills
  • The lifecycle of a project

Remember, the best way to make a project happen is to just get started. In no time, you’ll be finished and discover how much you’ve benefited from working on a project. Keep building your portfolio!


Sample Code (.zip)

9.8 KB

Course Slides (.pdf)

646.6 KB
Avatar image for dragonfly7

dragonfly7 on July 26, 2020

Thanks a lot for providing this collection of ideas & hints !

Especially getting ideas on both packages and libraries to use for a particular task is very helpful !

I’ll have a look into both PySimpleGUI and PyQt5 for further information on my GUI current project.

Avatar image for Ghani

Ghani on April 17, 2021

Good course. Thanks

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