Opening the Terminal
00:00 Okay, so here we are on a Linux system, and joining me is Geir Arne. Hello, Geir Arne. Hi, Philipp. How’s it going? Good. So I’m super excited to see how the terminal is used on Linux, but first of all, a question generally about Linux. When I read about Linux, like, there are different distributions, and do we have to be specific now which Linux we are on, or is it more like a general thing, how to use the terminal on Linux?
00:28 I think everything we’ll do today will work on more or less any Linux, any terminal. So that the main difference might be just a little bit how things look and what I’m running on is an Ubuntu,
00:41 I think this is the 20.04 long-term version. But definitely all the commands we’re running will work on any Linux and will probably even if you have something dating back to the early nineties, it should work there as well. That’s perfect. So yeah, if you haven’t updated since the early nineties, then this video is still valid for you. Okay.
01:01 So I also have a few tasks for you that I want you to perform. Cool. The most important one at the beginning is how to actually open the terminal on Linux. Right.
01:12 And just to demonstrate, we can do this almost by magic, like this. Okay. What did you do there? Exactly. What I like to do, because I use the terminal a lot, is that I’ll just have trained my fingers for the default shortcut, at least on Ubuntu, which is Control + Alt + T.
01:32 So, T for Terminal, and that just pops up a new terminal. So that kind of sits in my fingers, and it’s something that I do quite a bit.
01:41 Alternatively, there is a terminal here in the dock on the side, so you can kinda always find it, but it’s, yeah, Control + Alt + T is a great way to work with it. Okay, awesome.
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