For more on PyInstaller, check out Using PyInstaller to Easily Distribute Python Applications.
Package Your App for macOS
00:00 Packaging Your App. Now that you’ve finished the code for your application, you can share it with others. In the next sections of the course, you’ll see how to package your Kivy app for multiple platforms, starting out with macOS.
00:14 You can package your Kivy application for macOS using PyInstaller. If you’ve never used it before and want to know more, then check out this Real Python course.
You can install PyInstaller using pip
And then you’ll need to run it with the command seen on-screen. The -w
flag tells PyInstaller to run a windowed application without a terminal in the background, and the --onefile
option creates a single file version of the application, which makes it easy to distribute.
This will create an executable file in the dist/
folder. The executable will be the same name as the Python file you passed into PyInstaller.
01:26 In the next section of the course, you’ll see how to package your app for Linux.
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Dillon O'Leary on Nov. 29, 2024
I was able to package the app fine, but I’m struggling a lot with code signing and notarization on MacOS. Is there somewhere I should look for information on that? I want to make sure that when my users open the app, they aren’t going to see warnings.