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Using pandas to Make a Gradebook (Summary)

You now know how to build a gradebook script with pandas so you can stop using spreadsheet software. This will help you avoid errors and calculate your final grades more quickly in the future.

In this course, you learned:

  • How to load, clean, and merge data into pandas DataFrames
  • How to calculate with DataFrames and Series
  • How to map values from one set to another
  • How to plot summary statistics using pandas and Matplotlib

In addition, you saw how to group data and save files to upload to your student administration system. Now you’re ready to create your pandas gradebook for next term!

Here are some resources for more information about topics covered in this lesson:


Sample Code (.zip)

54.9 KB

Course Slides (.pdf)

1.5 MB
Avatar image for aniketbarphe

aniketbarphe on Sept. 26, 2021

Thank You!

Avatar image for Sahbi Ouali

Sahbi Ouali on April 3, 2022

Thanks for the quality of your content. Probably one of the best courses on RP. I didn’t find any difficulties coding along.

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