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Review Python Lists So Far (Exercises)

00:00 Here are a couple of review exercises that you can work on to train the skills that you’ve heard about in the past lessons. Start by creating a list named food with two elements, "rice" and "beans", both of them strings.

00:14 Then you want to append the string "broccoli" to food using the .append() method. Then also add the strings "bread", and "pizza" to the food list, but this time using .extend().

00:25 And then you should print the first two items in the food list using print() and slice notation. And then also print the last item in food using print() and index notation.

00:35 So this is just to get you to train a little bit the concepts that you’ve learned, and I’ve got some more for you.

00:42 Next, you can create a list called breakfast, but create it from the string "eggs, fruit, orange juice". So you have one string, "eggs, fruit, orange juice".

00:53 And then use the .split() method to create a list from those. That should only contain three items. Second, you should verify that the breakfast list has only three items.

01:05 And then finally, also create a new list called lengths. Here you should use a list comprehension to calculate the lengths of each of the strings in the breakfast list and then put them into the new lengths list.

01:18 So remember, in the list comprehension, you can do this in one line. So this is a nice way to train using this very Pythonic way of doing calculations on elements in a collection.

01:30 Okay, go train these concepts a bit. Putting in some coding time always helps to fortify your memory and figure out if you understood everything that you’ve heard about.

Avatar image for Lilian Cipciriuc

Lilian Cipciriuc on Jan. 16, 2025

>>> print(food[:2])
['rice', 'beans']
>>> print(food[-1])

Why first time it printed in square brackets with quotation marks and second print was just clean?

Avatar image for Bartosz Zaczyński

Bartosz Zaczyński RP Team on Jan. 16, 2025

@Lilian Cipciriuc The slicing operator (:) always returns a new sequence object, even if it only consists of a single element, whereas using the square brackets syntax with an index returns a single item:

>>> fruits = ["apple", "banana", "orange"]
>>> fruits[1:2]
>>> fruits[1]

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