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Create a Tic-Tac-Toe Python Game Engine With an AI Player (Summary)

Congratulations on completing this comprehensive video course! You’ve successfully constructed a versatile tic-tac-toe library that encompasses the core logic of the game and includes two different computer players, one of which is unbeatable thanks to the minimax algorithm. Additionally, you’ve created a sample front end that displays the game in the console and allows input from a human player.

Throughout the tutorial, you followed best programming practices, emphasizing object-oriented design with elements of the functional paradigm, and leveraging the latest features of Python.

In this video course, you’ve:

  • Developed a reusable Python library for the tic-tac-toe game engine
  • Written Pythonic code to model the tic-tac-toe domain
  • Implemented artificial players, including one using the powerful minimax algorithm
  • Constructed a text-based console front end for the game, enabling a human player to play
  • Considered strategies for optimizing performance

Well done on your accomplishment and all that you’ve learned throughout this video course! To keep building games and puzzles, check out the following:


Sample Code (.zip)

343.3 KB

Course Slides (.pdf)

8.9 MB

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