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00:00 You can now clearly see your headings, paragraphs, and lists. The browser adds its own default styling of HTML, which may give an impression of styling elements.

00:10 The reason why you can see the difference is because your browser adds some standard CSS styling to HTML, but it’s important to understand for you that with HTML, you’re only providing markup, not styling.

00:23 With markup, you add meaning to your website’s content. Writing semantically correct HTML is important for understanding your content and making the page more accessible to users who rely on text-to-speech software.

00:36 You can now take time to dive a bit deeper into the HTML elements you used. To further break down the HTML elements you used, you added a main headline to your website with an h1 tag.

00:50 You structured your text and related content with the paragraph tag and added a second level heading using the h2 tag. You made an unordered list that rendered bullets and added each list item to that unordered list with an li tag.

01:05 You may have noticed you used both an h1 and an h2 headline element, and the headline elements can nest six levels deep. While you typically only have one h1 element, you can have multiple h2 through h6 tags. For your HTML to be valid and accessible, it’s important not to skip a headline level in your code.

01:25 You would not want to add an h3 tag before you have an h2.

01:31 Semantic HTML refers to the use of HTML elements that carry meaning about the content they contain rather than just serving as presentational containers.

01:40 In other words, semantic HTML provides a way to describe the structure of web documents in a meaningful way.

01:47 Writing semantically correct HTML is important for understanding your content. Proper semantics in your HTML document makes the rendered HTML page accessible for text-to-speech software.

01:59 HTML5 Doctor is a great resource to learn more about modern HTML. Google’s course on making the web accessible to all is a great resource to learn more about accessibility.

02:11 Now that you have structure added to your website, you can learn how to add links and images.

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