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How to Set Up a Django Project (Summary)

In this course, you went over all the steps necessary to set up the foundations for a new Django web application. You got familiar with the most common terminal commands that you’ll repeat over and over again when using Django for web development.

You also learned why you want to use each command and what they create and you learned some tips and tricks associated with getting set up with Django.

In this course, you learned how to:

  • Set up a virtual environment
  • Install Django
  • Pin your project dependencies
  • Set up a Django project
  • Start a Django app

After completing the steps outlined in this course, you’re ready to start building your custom web application using Django. For example, you could create a portfolio app to showcase your coding projects. For a structured way to keep growing your Django skills, you can continue working through the resources provided in the Django learning path.


Course Slides (.pdf)

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00:00 Welcome to the final lesson of this course, where we’re just going to do a quick recap of everything that you went over when you went through all of these lessons here.

00:09 So, you started off by learning about how to prepare your environment using virtual environments and why this is important to do and how you can set it up.

00:17 Next, you learned how to install Django and pin your dependencies and we also took a little detour and learned about how you can install from a requirements.txt file, which you create when you pin your dependencies.

00:30 Next, you learned how to set up a Django project and you learned two different ways of doing that, depending on whether you want the additional project folder structure or not. Following that, you learned about how to start a Django app, which is always going to be the same command and which is the place where you do most of the work inside of your new Django web app that you’re going to be working on. And finally, we went over all of the commands in a lesson that was just the command reference, just to revisit the commands that you learned and that are necessary in order to get started with a new Django project.

01:02 And I want to show you again a slide that includes all of these commands next, so here you go. Here’s one slide that has all of these commands on there.

01:11 You can check them out, but also look at the associated tutorial with this course where you can also look at the command reference and have a quick view at any of the commands in case you forget one of them and you want to look them up. And that’s all for now!

01:26 Thanks for joining me in this video course on setting up a Django project. I hope you enjoyed it and hope to see you around!

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tobenary on June 11, 2021

This course was excellent, but needs a second part. I knew most of the things, but the little things you said cleared my thoughts.

What was missing? What is Django, and when should I use it (compared to others)

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