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Setting Workspace Themes

00:00 The last thing I want to show you in this Code Conversation, is that you don’t have to set for one theme in your VS Code editor. Here on my screen, you currently see two VS Code windows.

00:12 So it’s not like one VS Code with two panes, but it’s actually two VS Code instances left and right. And on the left side, you see the settings.json, that we just worked with.

00:24 On the right side, there is another project I’m currently working on. I have both windows side-by-side now in order to show it to you in this video course, but you can think of it like this one window is behind other windows because I will work on it this evening and currently I’m working on this project.

00:40 So there might be just two VS Code instances open and at some point you will switch to the other instance. And I don’t know about you, but I’m sometimes confused which project I’m actually in, especially if, for example, you just see the tab with the file name. And that’s where workspace settings come into play and the cool option to adjust your color theme on a workspace basis.

01:05 So let me show you how. On the right side, I have this other project I’m working on and currently it’s in the same profile, which is fine. So I have the smiley face as my profile icon, and if I click on it and go to Settings, then you can see that I’m actually having different settings that I can adjust. The user settings, these were the settings that we generally worked on and these are, you can think of them as your global settings and then you can actually use settings for your workspace or even a folder.

01:35 So I’m curious about the workspace setting now. And here I want to search for theme. And then you can see that the workbench color theme is basically still the normal color theme, but since you modified it in User, it’s basically taking over this color theme.

01:53 But you can actually adjust this color theme on a workspace level if you are deliberately choosing it. So for example, you can say, let’s use the Solarized Dark theme for this workspace.

02:06 And once you click that, it’s saved and you can see that the window on the right side now has the Solarized Dark theme where your general user settings stay with the Dobri Next -A08- Midnight theme.

02:19 And then when you switch your VS Code windows, you are immediately recognizing where you are.

02:26 So to summarize this lesson, setting a custom theme for a workspace, which can be a project that you’re working on, is a great way of making a VS Code window on your computer easily identifiable for this particular project.

02:42 And it’s also fun. So imagine you are working on three projects and you can basically use a different theme and try out different themes for different projects.

02:51 And I think that’s a cool way of putting a little bit of fun into your work with VS Code.

02:57 Alright, and that’s all I wanted to show you for today. In the next lesson, I’ll give you some additional resources to wrap this video course up.

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