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Using sleep() to Code an Uptime Bot (Summary)

Now that you’ve seen how to use time.sleep(), you should think of it whenever you need to make a delay or pause in your code’s execution.

In this course, you learned:

  • The basics of time.sleep()
  • How you can use timeit to measure your code’s execution time
  • How to use time.sleep() to build an uptime bot

For some next steps for your newly-built uptime bot, check out these other Real Python resources:


Sample Code (.zip)

1.5 KB

Course Slides (.pdf)

3.4 MB
Avatar image for Daniel Galvan

Daniel Galvan on Aug. 4, 2021

Great job Martin!

Avatar image for myca

myca on Aug. 7, 2021

Very impressed with the quality of the videos!

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