You’ve covered a lot of ground in this video course about databases, SQLite, SQL, and SQLAlchemy! You’ve used these tools to move data contained in flat files to an SQLite database, access the data with SQL and SQLAlchemy, and provide that data through a web server.
In this video course, you’ve learned:
- Why a SQLite database can be a compelling alternative to flat-file data storage
- How to normalize data to reduce data redundancy and increase data integrity
- How to use SQLAlchemy to work with databases in an object-oriented manner
- How to build a web application to serve a database to multiple users
Working with databases is a powerful abstraction for working with data that adds significant functionality to your Python programs and allows you to ask interesting questions of your data.
If you’d like to learn more about the concepts in this course, then check out:
- SQLite documentation
- SQLAlchemy documentation
- Introduction to Python SQL Libraries
- Build a Contact Book With Python, PyQt, and SQLite
- Python REST APIs With Flask, Connexion, and SQLAlchemy
- Django for Web Development Learning Path
Congratulations, you made it to the end of the course! What’s your #1 takeaway or favorite thing you learned? How are you going to put your newfound skills to use? Leave a comment in the discussion section and let us know.
Alain Rouleau on March 26, 2024
Thanks for the videos and, as per usual, always appreciated.
But anything related to objects, object oriented design, object oriented programming, object relational mapping, no matter what you call it. You know, OOD, OOP, ORM, really doesn’t matter. Objects are all about simplifying things, making things more simple, modelling the real world, writing less code. That’s the way we humans think. That’s the whole purpose of objects. You know, to make things easier.
So, me personally, I think the first three videos were great in terms of explaining SQLite and how to setup an actual SQL database. Tables, rows, syntax, you name it. Great examples. But, the rest, wow, pretty complicated. Lots of code.
Just create an object, you know, a person, and explain how to store that person in an SQLite datbase using an ORM like SQLAlchemy. Objects are suppose to be simple.