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Using the bpython Enhanced REPL (Summary)

Great job! You can look back with satisfaction at all the new things that you’ve learned about bpython and how it surpasses the regular Python REPL on many levels. By now, you can install the bpython REPL on top of any Python interpreter, tweak its configuration to your liking, and appreciate its many IDE-like features. Maybe you’ll make bpython your default Python REPL from now on!

In this course, you’ve learned how to:

  • Install and use bpython as your alternative Python REPL
  • Boost your productivity thanks to bpython’s unique features
  • Tweak bpython’s configuration and its color theme
  • Use common keyboard shortcuts to code more quickly
  • Contribute to bpython’s open-source project on GitHub

If you’d like to explore other options for your virtual workspace, then check out the Perfect Your Python Development Setup learning path.


Sample Code (.zip)

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Course Slides (.pdf)

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rwelk on Feb. 20, 2024

Another choice for a REPL. Thank you Darren

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