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Customize VS Code Settings (Summary)

Congratulations! Your VSCode interface is now much cleaner, easier to read, and more presentable. You have removed distractions and made it easier to get working on the projects that matter to you.

In this Code Conversation you learned how to:

  • Create and Export a VS Code Profile
  • Work With User Settings
  • Find and Adjust Settings
  • Clean Up the VS Code User Interface

Course Slides (.pdf)

7.1 MB

Sample Code (.json)

359 bytes

00:00 Congratulations, you made it to the last lesson of this video course. Remember how this course started? Your VS Code looked something like this, and now with all the settings you’ve made, it looks like this much cleaner, much more readable.

00:14 I’d like it, but hey, I’m probably a bit biased about that.

00:18 During this code conversation, you tackled quite a bunch of topics. You learned how to create and export VS Code profiles, you worked with the user settings, you learned how to find and adjust those settings, and you cleaned up the VS Code user interface quite a bit. If you want to continue to adjust some settings or learn a bit more about Visual Studio Code and code editors in general, then I have a few resources for you. In Python development in Visual Studio Code, you’ll learn how to use Visual Studio Code specifically for Python development.

00:52 By following examples, you’ll cover everything from how to install and configure Visual Studio Code for Python development and how to run tests and debug an application.

01:03 There is way more than just setting up settings in VS Code and this tutorial gives you a great introduction for this.

01:10 If you want to go a level deeper, then we’ve got the tutorial “Advanced Visual Studio Code for Python developers”. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to configure, extend, and optimize Visual Studio Code to create a more effective and productive Python development environment.

01:26 By digging into this tutorial, you are probably on a good road to become a VS Code power user. Of course, there are also other code editors besides VS Code. In “Python IDEs and Code Editors” the guide, you’ll have a look at a bunch of code editor choices that are available for you.

01:45 What works best for you will ultimately depend on you and your process, but you’ll get the pros and cons in this tutorial for each code editor option.

01:54 The last tutorial I want to recommend is “How to Make Engaging Programming Videos”. So in the code conversation you’re watching right now, you’ve heard me talking about presenting your screen to your colleagues here and there.

02:06 I’m convinced that creating a screencast is a fantastic way for you to share your knowledge and help fellow developers on your team. And if you’re becoming serious about screencasting and creating videos, then I really recommend this tutorial.

02:19 There, you’ll learn how to make engaging and informative programming videos that will probably impress your peers, especially with a pretty cool looking VS Code editor.

02:30 Alright, that’s it for today. I will share my settings file that I created in this video course in the additional materials that you can find underneath this video.

02:39 And if you have any settings in your VS Code editor that we didn’t tackle in this video course, share them with the community below. I’m super curious how your VS Code looks.

02:49 Have a nice day and see you around on realpython.com.

Avatar image for Jon Nyquist

Jon Nyquist on July 9, 2024

Thanks for a fun course! I have a question.

I’d like whitespace to show for just python files and jupyter notebooks (.ipynb). I tried this, but it didn’t work. All the whitespace … disappeared.

    "[python]": {
        "editor.renderWhitespace": "all"
    "[jupyter]": {
        "editor.renderWhitespace": "all"

Any suggestions?

Avatar image for Jon Nyquist

Jon Nyquist on July 9, 2024

Sorry, it did work. I didn’t have the Jupyter extension installed on this computer. Installing that extension did the trick. Maybe this will help someone with a similar question.

Avatar image for Martin Breuss

Martin Breuss RP Team on July 10, 2024

Ah, great it worked and thanks for adding the information :)

Avatar image for Nom

Nom on July 10, 2024

Thank you for a clearly explained, light and helpful video course!

An additional thing I would like to learn how to do in VSCode is to be able to suppress the various windows that pop up around the code I am entering (linters?). When writing it can be helpful but when editing it can be awkward as I have the escape away from auto suggestions and the windows hide too much of the screen. I wonder if there is a fast way to make them temporarily go away.

Here is my favourite additional setting that makes code look like more natural text, e.g. >= appears as ≥

"editor.fontLigatures": true,
Avatar image for Martin Breuss

Martin Breuss RP Team on July 11, 2024

@Nom here are a couple of additional settings you could try to remove the pop-ups:

    "editor.quickSuggestions": {
        "other": false,
        "comments": false,
        "strings": false
    "editor.lightbulb.enabled": false,
    "editor.parameterHints.enabled": false,
    "editor.inlineSuggest.enabled": false,

Also check the VS Code documentation for these, or you can search in the Settings UI for any setting and it’ll filter down to the relevant ones. Then, when you change it, you can get to the right identifier by checking into the JSON that pops up in your settings.json file, like Philipp showed in the course :)

Avatar image for Nom

Nom on July 11, 2024

Thank you kindly for your help Martin. Some things seemed to work (although a helpful popup told me to use "editor.lightbulb.enabled": "off", 😊). It seems the main source of popups for me is pylint and ruff, 95% of the time these are good and useful to have on. I was wondering if there was a quick ‘popup quiet mode’. Thanks again!

Avatar image for Martin Breuss

Martin Breuss RP Team on July 15, 2024

@Nom ah thanks for catching that!

I don’t know about a popup quite mode in VS Code, but you could quickly turn off the extensions if the pop ups are annoying in the 5% of times when you don’t want them around 🤔

Avatar image for TheOnePete

TheOnePete on Sept. 9, 2024

This course appears to be outdated based on the latest VSCode version. It is no longer relevant.

Avatar image for Martin Breuss

Martin Breuss RP Team on Sept. 9, 2024

@TheOnePete Philipp recorded this course very recently, so I’d be surprised if it was outdated already. What issues did you run into? Can you describe them here so that we can check what might have happened?

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