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While Loops: Conclusion & Lessons Learned

This lesson is a recap of the Mastering While Loops course. You learned about:

  • The Basics of the while-Loop
  • Interruption of Loop Iterations
  • The else-Clause
  • Infinite while-Loops (and how to break out of them)
  • Nested while-Loops
  • One-Line while-Loops

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Python "while" Loops

Test your understanding of Python while loops

Avatar image for ChrisF

ChrisF on March 16, 2019

Great set of tutorials - Loved them!

Avatar image for estis

estis on April 24, 2019

The tutorial was very good!

Avatar image for sion

sion on May 13, 2019

Very good tutorial. It took me to places that I’ve not been before. Thank you.

Avatar image for kcalhoun98

kcalhoun98 on May 21, 2019

This un-confused me about the order of operations in a nested while loop. Thank you!!

Avatar image for rklyba

rklyba on June 16, 2019

Thank you for the tutorial.

Avatar image for Jean Ferreira

Jean Ferreira on Sept. 4, 2019

Well done Katy. You made it very easy to understand and also you used a great tool to help us see step-by-step how everything works. Looking forward for more videos from you.

Avatar image for Sachin

Sachin on Dec. 26, 2019

Thanks for the great tutorial. I can now use while loops to their full potential

Avatar image for kbutler52

kbutler52 on Dec. 31, 2019

Thank you great video

Avatar image for Abdullah Dev

Abdullah Dev on Feb. 27, 2020

Great work! Well done! This is so easy to follow and easy to understand! Amazing!!!

Avatar image for Levi

Levi on March 13, 2020

Learned a thing or two, especially those 1 line while loops. Thanks!

Avatar image for dnlock

dnlock on May 7, 2020

Fantastic tutorial, Katy! Thank you.

Avatar image for sweir12525

sweir12525 on July 18, 2020

Excellent. You did not forget that this is an introductory course and not for meant for intermediate programmers.

Avatar image for Ben Nduwuba

Ben Nduwuba on July 19, 2020

Great Tutorial ! Thanks !

Avatar image for Ghani

Ghani on Oct. 15, 2020

Excellent tutorial Katy; thanks so much!

Avatar image for Gregory

Gregory on Jan. 5, 2021

Great Job! I really enjoyed this series. You maintained a calm, but steady pace and didn’t overload us beginners. Also, was glad to see someone besides myself using Thonny. It’s a great tool for those of us just starting out.

Avatar image for kegger

kegger on May 19, 2021

Cleared up confusion I has about break and continue. Thanks much!

Avatar image for aniketbarphe

aniketbarphe on Sept. 26, 2021

Thank You for great content!

Avatar image for rwelk

rwelk on Feb. 12, 2024

Being fairly new to learning Python I found the use of Thonny in these videos very helpful to me. Great segment. Thanks.

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