Sublime Python

Dan Bader
Dan Bader 27 Lessons 5h 4m basics editors

The Complete Guide to Sublime Text for Python Developers

Sublime Python is a step-by-step course for Python developers. You’ll learn how to set up a smooth and professional Python development environment on all of the major platforms (Windows, macOS, and Linux).

These are some of the benefits that you’ll get from the course:

  • Make your Python development environment fun again. Simplicity is key. Work with a lightweight Python setup that doesn’t get in your way—a nimble set of tools that each do one thing only and do it well.
  • Optimize your Python workflow for maximum productivity and become a better and more effective developer. Set up a great development environment once and it will keep paying dividends every day. (Bonus side-effect: Your coworkers will be impressed.)
  • Turn Sublime Text into a silky smooth and distraction-free editing environment you’ll enjoy using every day. Custom fonts, color schemes, and fine-tuned text rendering settings will make your editing environment look beautiful (and a joy to use).
  • Take the shortcut to a professional Python setup by following one coherent and tested set of instructions. Don’t waste your time hunting down each plugin, install step, and configuration separately across hundreds of forum posts and websites. I already did that work for you—use the best Sublime Text packages and settings for Python right away.

What’s Included:

Downloadable Resources:

About Dan Bader

Dan Bader is the owner and editor in chief of Real Python and the main developer of the learning platform. Dan has been writing code for more than 20 years and holds a master's degree in computer science.

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