Real Python Is
Powered by Renewable Energy
We Serve Tutorials & Courses With Solar and Wind Energy

We’re concerned about the environment and we want to make positive change.
Real Python’s infrastructure is hosted in the cloud services like Heroku, AWS, and Cloudflare. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t an environmental cost to running an online business—and we don’t want to solely depend on the cloud vendors’ renewable energy efforts (commendable as they are).
To offset our environmental impact, we purchase yearly renewable energy offsets from reputable companies such as TerraPass (more info).
When you take one of our courses or read one of our articles, the carbon that would have been produced was taken out of the energy system (where maybe it would have been supplied by coal or natural gas) and put back in via wind, solar, biomass, geothermal, and certain hydropower energy sources.
It’s not a perfect solution. But it’s a lot better than doing nothing.
— Dan Bader, Owner & Editor-in-Chief