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Building Python Project Documentation With MkDocs (Overview)

In this course, you’ll learn how to quickly build documentation for a Python package using MkDocs and mkdocstrings. These tools allow you to generate nice-looking and modern documentation from Markdown files and your code’s docstrings.

Maintaining auto-generated documentation means less effort because you’re linking information between your code and the documentation pages. However, good documentation is more than just the technical description pulled from your code! Your project will appeal more to users if you guide them through examples and connect the dots between the docstrings.

The Material for MkDocs theme makes your documentation look good without any extra effort and is used by popular projects such as Typer CLI and FastAPI.

In this course, you’ll:

  • Work with MkDocs to produce static pages from Markdown
  • Pull in code documentation from docstrings using mkdocstrings
  • Follow best practices for project documentation
  • Use the Material for MkDocs theme to make your documentation look good
  • Host your documentation on GitHub Pages

Sample Code (.zip)

481.8 KB

Course Slides (.pdf)

9.5 MB

00:00 Build Your Python Project Documentation With MkDocs.

00:06 In this course, you’ll learn how to quickly build documentation for a Python package using MkDocs and mkdocstrings. These tools allow you to generate nice-looking and modern documentation from Markdown files and your codes’ docstrings.

00:22 Maintaining auto-generated documentation means less effort because you are linking information between your code and the documentation pages. However, good documentation is more than just the technical description pulled from your code. Your project will appeal more to users if you guide them through examples and connect the dots between the docstrings.

00:41 The Material for MkDocs theme makes your documentation look good without any extra effort and is used by popular projects such as Typer CLI and FastAPI.

00:53 In this course, you’ll work with MkDocs to produce static pages from Markdown, pull in code documentation from docstrings using mkdocstrings, follow best practices for project documentation, use the Material for MkDocs theme to make your documentation look good, and host your documentation on GitHub Pages.

01:15 If you use the auto-generation features of MkDocs together with mkdocstrings, then you can create good documentation with less effort. Start your documentation with docstrings in your code, then build it into a deployed and user-friendly online resource that documents your Python project. So, now you know what’s going to be covered, let’s get started.

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