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Building Python Project Documentation With MkDocs (Summary)

In this course, you learned how to quickly build documentation for a Python package based on Markdown files and docstrings using MkDocs and mkdocstrings.

You created a partly auto-generated documentation for your Python project by linking information in your docstrings to the documentation pages. Not content to rest at this, you added additional documentation pages that made your project more appealing to users by guiding them through examples and use cases.

You styled your documentation with the Material for MkDocs theme and deployed it to the Internet through GitHub Pages.

In this course, you learned how to:

  • Write docstrings for your code objects
  • Work with MkDocs to produce static pages from Markdown
  • Pull in code documentation from docstrings using mkdocstrings
  • Follow best practices for project documentation
  • Customize your documentation using the Material for MkDocs theme
  • Deploy your documentation on GitHub Pages

Building your project documentation using MkDocs and mkdocstrings allows you to write Markdown and auto-generate parts of the documentation directly from your docstrings. This setup means that you can create excellent documentation with less effort.

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Sample Code (.zip)

481.8 KB

Course Slides (.pdf)

9.5 MB

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