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Create the Folder Structure

00:00 The first part of the challenge is creating the package structure. We need a folder named

00:10 project_exercises/ and

00:16 inside the folder, a helpers package with the modules __init__.py, string.py, and calc.py. At this point, you may think, like, those comments are a little bit sparse at the beginning.

00:36 There is just this word project_exercises, Inside the folder: helpers package, and then the three filenames __init__, string.py and calc.py.

00:45 And I agree with you, but I will delete these comments in a moment. It’s just kind of like a cheat sheet for me, what files and folders I need to create. This file here is not saved yet, but actually it’s a good idea to use this file as our starting file, which will be the __init__.py file.

01:05 And this one should be inside a project_exercises/ folder inside the helpers package. And by saving this file, I will create this folder structure.

01:14 Now I go to the desktop and create a new folder named project_exercises/.

01:25 And then when I’m in this folder, I create another folder named helpers/.

01:34 And there I save this file as __init__.py or short __init__.py.

01:47 Again, you need the __init__.py file to make the helpers/ folder an actual Python package. Without the __init__.py file, the folder would be just a regular Python folder.

02:00 And you don’t have something like a regular package. You have something else in Python, but you don’t have to bother about this. Now just make sure that you have the __init__.py file.

02:12 On the left side of my screen, you can see that the folder structure was created. So we have a project_exercises/ folder, a helpers/ folder, and in there is an __init__.py file.

02:24 That’s the first file that we need to create. The next one is string.py. So I create a new IDLE editor window. I add the comment helpers/string.py to it and save the file next to the __init__.py file inside the helpers/ folder.

02:52 Let’s go back to the __init__.py file where we have all the comments. And there was a third file that you need to create. It’s called calc.py.

03:01 So again, create a new editor window and save this file next to __init__.py and string.py as calc.py.

03:16 This time again, let’s add a comment on top, which gives us the filename, which in this case is inside the helpers/ folder, calc.py.

03:28 Going back to the __init__.py file, you can remove all the comments that were in there and just add __init__.py as a comment. Do __init__.py as a comment.

03:39 And with that, you have solved the first part of the challenge, creating a project_exercises/ folder. And within the project_exercises/ folder, you create a package named helpers and three files: __init__.py, calc.py, and string.py.

03:52 It’s just a folder with three Python files, but since there is the __init__ file, it’s a package.

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