Deploying Your Documentation to GitHub
Deploy Your Documentation to GitHub. GitHub repositories automatically serve static content when committed to a branch named gh-pages
. MkDocs makes use of that and allows you to build and deploy your project documentation in a single step.
Running this command rebuilds the documentation from your Markdown files and source code and pushes it to the gh-pages
branch and your remote GitHub repository.
00:35 Because of GitHub’s default configuration, that will make your documentation available at the URL that MkDocs shows you at the end of your terminal output.
00:46 To explore your project documentation online, head over to your browser and visit the URL that’s shown in your terminal output. If you get a 404 error when visiting the URL, take it as an opportunity for a quick break.
01:02 It can take up to ten minutes until your documentation goes live when you create or publish your GitHub Pages site. Good work. You’ve now got a well-structured base for your project documentation, which is partly auto-generated from your docstrings using mkdocstrings, and built for front-end consumption with MkDocs.
01:21 You’ve even made it available online through GitHub Pages!
01:27 In the next section, you’ll review what you’ve learned on this course.
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