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Django View Authorization: Restricting Access (Summary)

Most complex websites require user accounts. Once you have user accounts, you need to limit where they can and can’t go. Django provides role-based authentication to help you with these restrictions.

In this course, you learned how to:

  • Use HttpRequest and HttpRequest.user objects
  • Authenticate and authorize users
  • Differentiate between regular, staff, and admin users
  • Secure a view with the @login_required decorator
  • Restrict a view to different roles with the @user_passes_test decorator
  • Use the Django messages framework to notify your users

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Course Slides (.pdf)

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SwingPy on Nov. 21, 2022

The course is short and to the point. I really like that it is a practical explanation of a very common problem. If more is needed, (groups, permissions, etc) there are other courses available.

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