Code Your First Python Program (Quiz)

Avatar image for Vidhya Sagar R

Vidhya Sagar R on June 21, 2023

The course was desingned by keeping in mind for beginners. It really helps me as a beginner and from non -IT back ground.

Avatar image for Francisco Martínez B

Francisco Martínez B on July 26, 2023

So far, so good.

Avatar image for alex opoku

alex opoku on Sept. 4, 2023

This course is very good for beginners like me.

Avatar image for john

john on Sept. 19, 2023

I don’t understand. I have competed the Quiz, but it shows as Not Completed. I passed the Quiz 4 times, but yet it’s the same.

Avatar image for Bartosz Zaczyński

Bartosz Zaczyński RP Team on Sept. 20, 2023

@john You can take quizzes as many times as you want. When you get to the summary of a quiz, it says the following at the bottom:

Click the Mark as Completed button on the course lesson once you feel ready to move on. You can retake this quiz as many times as you like.

So, to mark the corresponding video lesson as complete, you can manually click the button to the left of the Supporting Material dropdown.

Avatar image for john

john on Sept. 20, 2023

Okay, thaks. Done !!!

Avatar image for Brendan Callaghan

Brendan Callaghan on Feb. 10, 2024

Mixed case is referred to as camel case if it starts with lower case letters or pascal case if it’s capitalized in other languages. Well, that’s my experience anyway.

Avatar image for richgacer

richgacer on April 4, 2024

The coding sections of the quiz are very creative. I appreciate the interactive questions.

Avatar image for Richie Thomas

Richie Thomas on April 18, 2024

I got the quiz 100%.

Avatar image for Alex

Alex on June 18, 2024

I included the colon as of the Hello world text to print

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