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Find Palindrome Strings

00:00 Until now, you’ve only used filter() with lists of numbers. Let’s try out strings and see how you can find palindrome strings using filter().

00:11 A palindrome word reads the same backward as forward. For example, “MADAM” and “RACECAR.”

00:20 Your goal is to use filter() to find the palindrome strings in a tuple of strings and filter out the rest.

00:30 Let’s think about what you need to check in order to see if a word is a palindrome or not. You’re going to have to see if the reverse version of the string is the same as its normal version. Luckily, Python has a built-in function for this: reversed().

00:45 Let’s try it out. reversed("Python") as an example.

00:54 Turns out, reversed() returns on iterator. To have your result as a string, you’ll have to use the join() function to turn this iterator into a string.

01:05 join(reversed("Python")) as the input.

01:12 Here you go. You got Python reversed. Another thing you’ll have to pay attention to is that Python strings are case-sensitive. So "Ana" with the capital A is not the same as "ana" with a lowercase a.

01:27 Make sure to use the .lower() method to make every character lowercase so it’s easier for you to find the palindrome words. Let’s use it once as an example.

01:37 "Ana".lower().

01:43 As you can see, you get 'ana' with every character lowercased. Okay, you’re ready. Time to find palindrome strings. Let’s create a predicate function named is_palindrome to get word as an input.

01:57 def is_palindrome() and word as the input.

02:05 It should return True if a string is a palindrome and False if not. To do that, let’s reverse the input word using the reversed() function and store it in a variable named reversed_word. reversed_word = "".join(reversed()) and word as the input. Okay, now let’s write up what your function should return.

02:35 Whether the input word.lower() is equal to the reversed version of it. So reversed_word also .lower(). Let’s see if it works.

02:53 Let’s put in "Ana" with a capital A. is_palindrome("Ana"). We expect it to return True, and it does. Now let’s try "hello". So is_palindrome() "hello" as an input, all lowercase.

03:14 We expect it to be False, and it is False. It works, perfect! So for a palindrome string such as "Ana", it returned True, and for a non-palindrome word—for example, "hello"it returned False. So it works great. Now let’s use filter().

03:34 list(filter()). is_palindrome as the function argument and words as the iterable. It returned ['Ana', 'madam', 'racecar'] as a result, which is perfect. These are the only palindrome words inside of the tuple words.

03:55 Here, when you called filter(), it applied is_palindrome to every single word in the words tuple and kept the ones that evaluated as True and got rid of the rest.

04:07 What you just did in the last few lessons with filter() and reversed() is something that is commonly referred to as functional programming.

04:16 Let’s have a look at this programming paradigm in the next lesson.

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